About Me
Adolescence: I straddle the parallel lines of intense individuality and desire for confederacy with a world that spurns me. Every man contains a universe which is born with him and dies with him and under my gravestone will lay the whole of world history. It is this convergence of incongruities: individualized identity and the longing for fraternity, which fuels me.
As a young man trying to find a place for myself within the repressive conditions of an outdated world, I find that I am caught between the desire to express my individuation and the longing for acceptance from a world in which I do not seem to fit. Though the structure of society is at odds with everything my heart desires I cannot easily shrug off the yoke of my lower middle-class heritage and reliance on its order.
My life and misfortunes are representative of a larger truth, one which speaks to the smallness of the individual within this oppressive world. Fuck it.