Haute Cuisine
Witty Conversation
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Theology & Rebuttles
I like to surround myself with positive influences and educated people with a passion for life. I like to keep my mind open to anybody and everybody.
Everyone is educated in one form or another whether it be street smarts, compassion or academically. (They just need to make a brilliant first impression)
My theory for all the people I meet, there is some reason, positive, negative, its all somehow contributed to the excitment that we call living.
FYI: Before MESSAGING ME, please read the Messaging Rules! Thanks!I only add my real friends, with the exception of long time AIM friends or my few special exceptions! Thank you and have a nice day!
Anything and Everything!
Free Music Videos
Said to me...best one of the best ones
My Sassy Girl!
Check it out online!
Chapters: 10 , 11 ,
World News Tonight
Boondocks (the stone that the builder refused)
Gilmore Girls
Sex and the City (I'm a Fanatic)
The Kitchen God's Wife - Amy Tan Poetry
My 3 Mothers: My Mom *muahs* My Auntie Merlin *muahs* My Auntie Beng *muahs*