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U cAn cAll mE dOctOr nOw...

About Me

@ this very moment in my life I would like 2b a Trauma Surgeon so maybe one day i can save lives and in the process repent for my own...sis n mommy cuzzo n me

My Interests

Trying to get into medical school. It's a lot harder than you think...

I'd like to meet:

me 10yrs. from now...and ask myself what i would do differently.


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The Big Lebowski, The Devil's Advocate, Constantine.


tryin to cut back. I can feel my brain draining as i stay afixed to the damn empty black box in front of me.


1984, Angels and Demons, Cannery Row, Farhenheit 451, Brave New World, pretty much all the classics.


my dAd...he is the amEricAn dReaM...

My Blog

hardheaded, stubborn, obstinate- it’s all the same. what defines U ?

No one person is uni-dimensional. As human beings we have a plethora of traits that make us who we are, that make us individual and not a wandering herd of antelope. But every now and then it seems as...
Posted by JaMaL on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:07:00 PST

my first blog. "Is it ever enough?"

i write this for 2 reasons: 1)i am heavily medicated right now and cannot get into my car and leave the house 2) deep contemplation/self assessment I broke my collar bone almost 3 weeks ago snowboard...
Posted by JaMaL on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:12:00 PST