I'm 27 years old, 5'7, 190 pounds, and I have no kids. I'm born and raised in Omaha, NE, and I had recently moved to Kansas. I'm currently looking for a job, so hook me up with some information if you have any. :)I'm attractive enough to meet your friends, intelligent enough to meet your boss and moral enough to meet your family.
Recently graduated from Bellevue University in Marketing Management so if you need any marketing help please contact me.
I'm on here to talk to friends and family, so sorry "NO HOOK UPS & I CAN'T MEET YOU
Their are 3 Kinds Of People..!
1 who makes things happen...
1 who watch things happen...
1 who wonder what happend...
Which Are You..!?
*Man will never understand woman until he understands himself first.
Once he understands himself, then he can understand that which was once apart of him!*
The Virgo likes to analyze things and are not comfortable until they figure out all angles of the problem they currently are focused on. Sometimes modest, and quite often shy, Virgo can be one of the most difficult mates to "land". It is not that they are playing hard to get, it..s not that they are not interested, it..s the shyness. Oddly, the more they like you, they more shy they behave around you! You won..t find the modest virgo "flashing" anyone in the near future.Very reliable and punctual, those born underthe virgo sun sign will be easy to count on. They will help you out in a pinch and do things for you that go above and beyond the call of duty.