Evolution is released!
Read more about it here: http://www.advoxya-records.com/modules.php?name=News&fil e=article&sid=78Order the album from http://www.indietective.de/indieshop/product-52686.html
http://www.advoxya-shop.com/modules.php?name=Asers_Shop& s_op=viewproductdetails&lid=139&cid=1
http://www.poponaut.de/product_info.php?products_id=4770& ;osCsid=34c340a4f7c5b787ad151815ab0dae9e
TWZ video!
We are proud to present a video for one of our latest tracks, Crawling from the album Evolution .High-quality video: http://twz.oblivioncreations.se/nind.twz?s=mvc
Low-quality: YouTube
Two albums and a showcase
Due to popular demand we decided to put up Prologue: Death..s Dance for download again as well as the sold out album It hurts when I breathe since it turned out to be a far to limited release. Enjoy.It hurts when I breathe
Prologue: Death..s Dance
We felt that it was necessary, and about time, to give you listeners something while you wait for Evolution. Therefore, we added a new section to the TWZ website containing samples of unreleased material that will be available in late 2008.
Have a look and spread the word!
Track: The Grid
We're contributing to the Telegrammetry compilation: Weatherhead 3, with a remix of the track "The Grid" (Which appears on our upcoming "Evolution" album).Track: Redemption
We're contributing to the Advoxya Records compilation: Post-Alcoholic Body Syndrome 2, with the track Redemption.Download a sample of the track and read more about the release on this page .
Want more samples?
Check out our website for more downloads and all the information you need about our upcoming album; Evolution .Available now!
Lay your hands on TWZ t-shirts. A neat and clean design with a 10x10cm logo on a black shirt! Read more here http://twz.oblivioncreations.se/nind.twz?s=o
T.W.Z. was founded in 2003, spreading religious and mythical words and playing industrial/E.B.M. with ambient parts. The primary concept is Timewave Zero. Most of the songs discuss this subject but in overall the songs are not bound to a specific ideology, rather a category which can best be described as anti-humanistic.Discography (3 latest albums)
Learn more about TWZ releases, click an album-cover (more albums on our website)!