playin ball and havin a good life
nigga i would like 2 meet a real female that aint holddin shit back knownz how 2 dance and aint scared 2 eat with a nigga"; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
nigga my favorite song is touch it remix, crank dat batman,dumb in my back pack man i have so much
shit my favorite movie my nigga is 8 mile,Glory road,This Christmas,and Black Pussy talk 2
my favorite show to watch is the Simpsons, Boondocks,andso you think u can dance
WorDS fROM tHe Oh SO WIsE -When she stare's at your mouth [Kiss her] When she pushes you or hit's you [ Grab her and dont let go ] When she start's cursing at you [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ] When she's quiet [ Ask her whats wrong ] When she ignore's you [ Give her your attention ] When she pull's away [ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst [ Tell her she's beautiful ] When you see her crying [Just hold her and dont say a word ] When you see her walking [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] When she's scared [ Protect her ] When she lay's her head on your shoulder [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] When she steal's your favorite hat [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she tease's you [ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesnt answer for a long time [ reassure her that everything is okay ] When she look's at you with doubt [ Back yourself up ] When she say's that she like's you [ she really does more than you could understand ] When she grab's at your hands [ Hold her's and play with her fingers ] When she tell's you a secret [ keep it safe and untold ] When she looks at you in your eyes [ dont look away until she does ] When she misses you [ she's hurting inside ] When you break her heart [ the pain never really goes away ] When she says its over [ she still wants you to be hers
My nigga Captain America and Da Grimm Reaper