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Molly Genevieve

Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein)

About Me

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My Interests


Byzantine and Russian chant, Tom Waits, Madeleine Peyroux, Modest Mouse, John Lee Hooker, Louis Armstrong, Thelonious Monk, John Prine, Iris Dement, Django Reinhardt, Portishead, Lead Belly, Skip James, Taj Mahal, Bob Dylan, Staple Singers, Wilco. Also the OMWF soundtrack. And I like to speculate about how bluegrass and gospel are going to inform the tones of American Orthodox liturgical music.


Oh yes, lots. See Cry Freedom, if you've never. But what we chiefly need is more movies about Jesuit Samurai.


The only thing I miss about real television: the Daily Show. Thanks to the magic of Netflix, however, I have become a total Joss Whedon addict. Tara, if you're out there: you were so right.


My required reading list: The Screwtape Letters, Lewis; Alice in Wonderland, Carroll; Pensees, Pascal; Time Enough for Love, Heinlein; "A Little Cloud" from Dubliners, Joyce; Just So Stories, Kipling (especially "The Elephant Child"); Godel, Escher, Bach, Hofstadter; Mark 2:1-12


St. Genevieve of Paris, C.S. Lewis, Fr. Arseny, Galileo. And, okay, let's be honest: Rupert Giles.

My Blog

Happy 25th Tammy & Mark!

Since I can't post a comment on Tammy's blog yet, I'll say it here:HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY TAMMY & MARK!May those blessings keep coming for many many more.Congratulations guys! Hope you had a fanta...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:15:00 PST


Sorry guys...I forgot to warn that until Aug. 22, I'm not going to be around much. I will fill you all in and catch up on correspondence when I get back.In the meantime, please pray for me!
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 07:24:00 PST

back with a question

Hooray! I can finally post something to MySpace again after a week of constant error messages and timeouts. (That is, assuming this message goes through.)I still want to finish my bioethics rant and r...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 11:05:00 PST

Bioethics Part II: The Need for Objective Truth

[Forgive me, my thought is more scattered in this section. The hope is that the pieces I bring out in this post will be clarified in the following. Please comment on it anyway, it will help.]Let's go ...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 08:36:00 PST

Bioethics Part I: Fuzzy Definitions and Fuzzy Science

[Note: this is primarily in response to Josh's recent post, but I would love comments from others too. I'm especially looking at you, D____.]One of the core questions of your post seems to be: Is ther...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:30:00 PST


So, here's the thing: I promised that I would have some response up to Josh's bioethics post by tonight. I have worked at the question for hours. This thing has turned into a seven-page-single-spaced ...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:38:00 PST

Bicycles rock. I rock.

Rode to work for the first time Friday and it felt great. I can do this. I can do anything.Nothing like a little sustainable empowerment....
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 08:50:00 PST

5.4 miles!

5.4 miles tonight, and this time on purpose: rode to church for Paraklesis and back. This route happens to coincide with about 3/4 of my route to the office--I might make this work yet.Also, I feel fa...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 08:46:00 PST

Pilgrim's progress

Progress report on the bike: so far I'm up to six miles in an hour without dying. I'm very encouraged by this.  Going to try for the actual ride to work tomorrow evening and see how that goes.In ...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:25:00 PST

All Ten Thousand Waves

Back in SFe after a lovely week at home with family and friends of excellent vintage.I'm not sure what happened to the last week. Oh right, K________ and B_______'s wedding.The highlight of the pre-ma...
Posted by Molly Genevieve on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 07:12:00 PST