About Me
"LoVe Is An UgLy, TeRRiBLe BuSiNeSS, PraCTiCeD By FooLs. It'LL TRaMpLe YoUr HeArT & LeAVe YoU BLeeDiN In THe FLooR. AnD WHaT DoEs It ReaLLy GeT YoU In THe EnD? NuTTiN BuT A FeW InCreDiBLe MeMoRieS THaT YoU CaN'T EvEr SHaKe..." TO ALL THOSE FAKE ASS PEOPLE THAT ACT LIKE THEY'LL BE THERE FOR U AND PRETEND THAT THEY GOT UR BACK, FUCK YOU KEEP IT REAL MOTHAFUCKAZ... "I know it seem hard sometimes but uhh, Remember one thing, Through every dark night, There's a bright day after that, So no matter how hard it get, Stick your chest out, Keep your head up, and handle it..." "Revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting p*ssy." "You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit. Remember that. Keep ya head up." - Tupac... Don't let your past poison your future... Lifes a Bitch, but God-forbid the bitch divorce me... WHEN SOMEONE SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, THEY USUALLY ARE BUT SEE, WHEN YOU'RE IN IT IT'S TOO HARD TO SEE...FeAr Is STrOnGeR THaN LoVe... Greater is He that is in us, then He that's in the world... ToO OFteN We ExPeCt Da PeOpLe In OuR LiVeS 2 PeRFoRm PeRFecTLy, 2 NeVeR DiSaPPoiNt Us & 2 ALwAys B THeRe 4 Us. No MaTTeR HoW MuCh OthErS LoVe U Or HoW GooD THeY R, At SoMe PoiNt, THeY R GoInG 2 DiSaPPoInT U, HuRT Ur FeeLiNgS Or WaLk OuTTa Ur LiFe...