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CSS ( HOW TO BECOME A PARANORMAL GHOST HUNTER) If you read articals on my page you will see what you will need to use and buy " the book How to hunt Ghosts By Joshua P.Warren is a very good guide. can buy it at Nobles or Border's book stores. I will be posting artical on my 1st encounter with a haunted hotel room let me tell you ghost do haunt places. it scared the sh-t out of me but later it made me relize how meny people can say they had real encounter with a ghost? hope this help's you " (S.P.S)IS FORMILY INVESTIGATING COLONIAL CEMETARY SAVANNAH GEORGIA)I'm a paranormal investigator, Founder & President of Steinhatchee Paranormal Society (S.P.S) North West Flordia Unexplained phenomena . We use the scientific method to research credible reports of mysterious phenomena, specializing in ghostly activity.If you need help please fill free to Email anytime". Want to make progress researching paranormal phenomena. Ghosts, psychic activity, I enjoy constantly meeting people who can share their experiences give me and my team access to paranormal locations and haunted activty's
THE PARANORMAL IS WIDE OPEN TO EXSPLORE " THE GHOSTLY RESCUEOne afternoon, a couple was traveling on the road when all of a sudden at a far distance they saw a woman in the middle of the road asking them to stop. The wife told her husband to keep on driving because it might be too dangerous, but the husband decided to pass by slowly so he wouldn't stay with the doubt on his mind of what might have happened and the chances of anyone being hurt. As they got closer, they noticed a woman with cuts and bruises on her face as well as on her arms. They then decide to stop and see if they could be of any help.The cut and bruised woman was begging for help telling them that she had been in a car accident and that her husband and son, a new born baby, were still inside the car which was in a deep ditch. She told them that the husband was already dead but that her baby seemed to still be alive.The husband that was traveling decided to get down and try to rescue the baby and he asked the hurt woman to stay with his wife inside their car. When he got down he noticed two people in the front seats of the car but he didn't pay any importance to it and took out the baby quickly and got up to take the baby to it's mother. When he got up, he didn't see the mother anywhere so he asked his wife where she had gone. She told him that the woman followed him back to the crashed car.When the man decided to go look for the woman, he noticed that clearly the two people in the front seats were dead; a woman and a man, both with their seatbelts on. When he looked closer, he noticed that one of the dead was the same woman that was begging them for help!
SEEKING THE UNKNOWN S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S CURRENT MOON moon phases (IT'S BEEN TWO LONG YEAR'S HOW I MISS YOU ANGLE) It seem's like only yesterday That you were here with me Our love burned brightly like a flame For all the world to seeNow you are gone and I sit alone Alone each night But I hope that despite death You will come to meThe wind it creeps in, through the door I feel you caress my cheek And suddenly I know I’ve found The comfort that I seekThe candlelight paints a picture You silhouette, it lights the floor I feel your warmth upon my lips And my heart, it longs for moreI keep my eyes shut tightly closed As I lie in your embrace I fear there will be nothing there If I try to look upon your faceSo for this one night, I lie in peace In arms, which I have not seen Knowing love cut short can only exist On the night of soul's passed

This article is for those whose homes are haunted. If you are looking for someone to come and exorcise your home, you have come to the wrong web site. It has been our experience that there is no sure fire method for removing spirits from a home. No blessing, no rituals, no icons, no religious words will "force" the spirits to depart. Now that I have your attention, I will discuss some of the aspects of having a ghost in your attic, basement or living room.You become aware of footsteps going up and down the stairs, muffled voices, strange smells, cold spots, the feeling of being watched, appliances turning on and off, hearing your name being called, finding personal items vanishing and suddenly reappearing elsewhere, seeing orbs and black shadows moving about, taking pictures and getting orbs and vortices on film. Perhaps you have a son or daughter who can see and hear the ghosts. Perhaps these ghosts scares them and they are afraid of sleeping in their room at night.A home, apartment or building does not require a death to take place for it to be haunted. Many new homes are haunted because the ghost or ghosts like the home and have decided to dwell within. Did you catch the important word -- decide to dwell. Yes, the spirits think and respond just like we do. Some times the land is where the spirit is attached and not the house. Most often the spirits move about without restrictions as to where they died or where they lived.Most people are frantic when they discover that their homes may be haunted by ghosts, what should they do? It has been my experience that the first reaction is to label the ghosts as demons or some other evil spirits, especially if the people come from one of the fundamental Christian sects. they feel threatened by the presence of these creatures from beyond the grave. They think, "What have I done to merit this kind of ghostly activity?"

This article is for those whose homes are haunted. If you are looking for someone to come and exorcise your home, you have come to the wrong web site. It has been our experience that there is no sure fire method for removing spirits from a home. No blessing, no rituals, no icons, no religious words will "force" the spirits to depart. Now that I have your attention, I will discuss some of the aspects of having a ghost in your attic, basement or living room.You become aware of footsteps going up and down the stairs, muffled voices, strange smells, cold spots, the feeling of being watched, appliances turning on and off, hearing your name being called, finding personal items vanishing and suddenly reappearing elsewhere, seeing orbs and black shadows moving about, taking pictures and getting orbs and vortices on film. Perhaps you have a son or daughter who can see and hear the ghosts. Perhaps these ghosts scares them and they are afraid of sleeping in their room at night.A home, apartment or building does not require a death to take place for it to be haunted. Many new homes are haunted because the ghost or ghosts like the home and have decided to dwell within. Did you catch the important word -- decide to dwell. Yes, the spirits think and respond just like we do. Some times the land is where the spirit is attached and not the house. Most often the spirits move about without restrictions as to where they died or where they lived.Most people are frantic when they discover that their homes may be haunted by ghosts, what should they do? It has been my experience that the first reaction is to label the ghosts as demons or some other evil spirits, especially if the people come from one of the fundamental Christian sects. they feel threatened by the presence of these creatures from beyond the grave. They think, "What have I done to merit this kind of ghostly activity?" Cameras, variety film flashlights, at least 2 for each person lots of batteries including rechargables recorders external microphone high quality tapes earphones, for playback of recordings thermometer, (ambient,not a contact themometer) the idea is that the temperature can drop when ghosts are present. paper and pen, for case notes and events headlamp (a flashlight to wear on the head) camcorders with night shot/night vision tripods walkie talkies emf meters. for testing the theory that ghost can interrupt the magnetic field. We use both 35 mm and digital cameras on ghost hunts. We also use standard and digital voice recorders. Headlamps are great tool because you wear it on your head, held in place with a strap which frees up your hands for other things.We started out with just the basics, a camera, flashlight and standard tape recorder. Once we realized that ghost hunting was becoming a passion for us we starting adding more expensive equipment because we could, not because it was required.Below is a great place to purchase ghost hunting tools including voice recorders. Technika.com features meters for light, sound, pH, pressure, UV, EMF, & radiation; plus timers, stopwatches, thermometers, weather & environmental quality instruments, refractometers, & gadgets.
MySpaceTV Videos: Paranormal Florida by Obscura Art & Records.

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Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 19:04:00 GMT