codySCREAM™ [ is single] PvE | BP profile picture

codySCREAM™ [ is single] PvE | BP

[HA / PvE / VP / BP]

About Me

my profile is best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX
The name is cody alton reich, im 16[soon to be 17 in about a month] and live in the small town of fort collins located in colorado, i don't have very many friends in real life due to the fact that all these kids that live here are judgmental fucks, i like to play video games, skateboarding, and chilling with what friends i do have bi-polar as fuck, i fall to fast for people and believe in the word love like no other, i honestly won't give a fuck if you decide to judge me and label me like everyone else, more than likely i will just laugh at your pity to act cool like everyone else, i post to many bulletins block me now if you don't like that fact, rawrr im a SCARY MONSTER [I WILL EAT YOU ALIVE RAWR]...i like to argue with people about various things, and explain in my own way which you probably won't get either im one poor mother fucker so no i can't afford shows and shit, i drink every occasion when i want to, im very hypocritical when it comes to that sometimes, once again you don't like what your hearing block button is above, im 5' 8 and weigh about 130, i wear size 1 in chick pants, and i like my style, don't fucking label me as emo or scene, i dress and act and do my hair how i want, not to fit in or be apart of the scene, its cause its what i like, so don't try to fucking tell me different, im different myself, i like riding my bike in the rain along with walking when im bored, i dropped out of high school my sophomore year, and i am now attending FRCC [Front Range Community College], what else is there to say, you want to know more about me just ask
my life everyone else's life

My Interests


and its staying that way for a long time
until that right one comes in my direction


fake1 fake2

mine can't have her, so don't even try to take her

ur face :D