Friends, new and old. OH! If I could be so lucky as to run into this guy, that would be great too!
All kinds of music EXCEPT country-- makes my head explode! Welllll, I DO like a few country songs, but mainly the love songs and once in a blue moon only!! I can't do a bunch in one sitting! My favorite is R&B. I'm a SUCKER for mushy love songs-- always have been. I'm one of those that actually listen to the words and think... OH! Did I tell you I LOVE L.L.? He's my OTHER husband. (hee hee) And just so you know, I loved him wayyyyyy back in the day, before it was "cool" to love L.L. w/all the big muscles and stuff.
Cool Slideshows
Anything that makes me laugh a good hearty laugh, or cry a good cry-- I cry everytime in Love and Basketball when he says "Double or nothin'." That was so sexy!! I also like the movie "Imitation of Life." It's an oldie but goodie! I cry at that one too! If you can find it, and can stand to sit through it, it's a good one!
You Are a Normal Girl
You are 50% Good and 50% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
Cane River,Gal, and Their Eyes Were Watching God-- anything by Zora Thurston. I also love the children's book "Love you Forever" I loved it before I had Bri, when I was teaching preschool and it means even more now that I have my baby girl. My "honey" also got this for me for Mother's Day. He loves me!
This is easy: my grandmother. I love and miss her SO much and I wish Brianna could have met her. All grandmas could take lessons from her. She was the original "Big Momma." My mom and dad are also my heroes. And last, but not least-- all the military spouses holdin' it down and sacrificing while your husbands/wives do what they do best. It ain't easy, that's for damn sure...