Vicki profile picture


I think I'll go to work

About Me

I am fairly outgoing, a decent, genuine woman. I am a great friend and very giving. I love art, web design, gardening, cooking and decorating. The summer is going well.

I also work at a software company in the Southside as an administrative professional, i.e., website content, projects, all administrative tasks for my boss, etc. We provide software for tech transfer offices at universities that try to turn school projects into commercially viable products. It is an interesting job so far.

I think I am just going to keep going to school part time at Penn State until I get close to finishing my degree. I will find a more lucrative job after I graduate from Penn State and I hope it will be something I enjoy. I am a multifaceted person, just ask questions. :) ..

My Interests

Web Design, gardening, yoga, biking, pissing around on the internet, reading, sleeping, decorating, cooking, hanging out with friends. I work too damn much, but I have to pay my bills. :)

I'd like to meet:

Genuine people that I have something in common with. I don't like people that are into drugs and alcohol or party every weekend. I like people that read, like to have interesting convos, that are multi-dimensional. :)I am a laid back person though, very much a jeans, tee shirts and flip flops type of woman.


This week: Interpol, Mat Kearney, Boston, Peter Frampton, Disco in general, U2.


This week: Nothing really, I was moving this week, I want to see the Simpsons movie when I have time. Entourage, Weeds, Friends, Seinfeld, The Simpsons


Entourage, Weeds, CSI, Jimmy Kimmel, Oprah faithfully almost everyday and my Soap OLTL.


My taste in books range from Banana Yoshimoto to F. Scott Fitzgerald if that gives you an idea of how much I read when I am in that mode. When I am lazy I pick up a copy of Newsweek. Reading Moonstruck Madness, yes I read the occasion romance novel and I still love my soap OLTL. I am also collecting recipes on how to make tapas so when I get into my new place at the end of the month I can start cooking and exercising again. I am so happy to be nesting, making the place my own.


My family, my friend Jason, genuine people without an agenda

My Blog

Boundaries, this is a very good article I found and read today

Boundaries are imaginary lines that help you protect yourself both physically and emotionally. They keep other's actions and behaviors from hurting, distracting, annoying, or imposing on you. Boundari...
Posted by Vicki on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:27:00 PST