☆i LoVe AsHlEy☆ profile picture

☆i LoVe AsHlEy☆

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi My nAmE iS yAdIrA aNd Im gOiNg To TeLl yOu A LiTtLe BoUt My sElF iM oNlY tHe bIg bAd 13 I WaS bOrN In LoS aNgElEs On jUnE 7 1994 I lIvE iN loMpoC i gO tO lvMs AnD Im a VeRy OuT gOiNg hYnA i LiKe tO hAvE fUn KiCk iT WiT mY FrIeNds & FaMiLiA AlSo Im A vErY vErY oPeNeD mINdEd PeRsOn If i nEed To SaY AnYThInG AbOut yEw Or To YeW dAmB rItE i WiLl Go aNd TeLl yEw IN yOuR fUcKiN fAcE aNd FoR aLl YeW fUcKiN hAteRs oUt ThEre kEeP oN hAtInG yOu AiNT GaNnA gEt ShIT oUt Of It BuT WaTeVeRs KeEp On HaTiNg CuZ i KnOe tHeRez AlOt OF fUcKIn BiTcHEz OUt THerE thAt Be HaTiNg On ME cUz yoU knOE THerEz AloT to HaTe On THiZ bItChEz.........=) ♥I lOvE BrYaN hErReRa ♥

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I'd like to meet:

lupita was here 12/15/07 ii luv my gigga boo!!

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