"(UN*RAV*EL): To undo or ravel the knitted fabric of life. To seperate and clarify the elements of something mysterious. To become UNRAVELED." My names Zack, I am a wild child with a big heart and big dreams!! I currently reside in Los Angeles California, I have not lived here long. I moved from Cottonwood California ( a small town in Northern Cali) to pursue my modeling career full time. I just recently started to pursue another life long dream of mine, Acting. I am 19 years old, and will be 20 on December 3rd. In just 6 months time I have completely changed my whole life, from a small town highschool dropout, bound for nothing but a world of drugs, alchohol, and possibly prison, to a healthy, hard working young man with no limits to how successfull I can be. That sounds so scripted, I know, but its the truth. Really I would say im living proof that nommatter how lost you get, you can always find your way (: If u want to, dont hesitate to click the "Add Me" button, im always down to meet new people. Cheers!! style>.fcsS{}
......$ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE-tqzWvNbM
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