This Is All I Know profile picture

This Is All I Know

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Quite,shy,funny,friendly I'm me...
Name: Marquis
Date of Birth: 12-31-1985
Birthplace: Savannah
Current Location: Savannah
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'9
Heritage: Afraican American
Piercings: None
Tattoos: 3
Band/Singer: Three 6 Mafia
Song: Slob On My Knob
Movie: Set It Off
Disney Movie: The Lion King
TV show: Price Is Right
Color: Blue
Food: Red Rice
Pizza topping: Dont Matter
Ice-Cream Flavor: Cookies and Cream
Drink (alcoholic): Seagrims Gin
Soda: Sprite
Store: Foot Locker
Clothing Brand: Girbaud
Shoe Brand: Jordan
Season: Winter
Month: December (B-Day month)
Holiday/Festival: Thanksgiving
Flower: Rose
Make-Up Item: None
Board game: Monopoly
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy (sleep better)
Chocolate or vanilla: Both
Fruit or veggie: Both
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sweet (ALLWAYS)
Love or money: A lil both makes me happy
Phone or in person: U can do more in person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: Make more money
Most missed memory: When I hit my first 3 against Port Wentworth rec team
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: I get to see another day
Hypothetical personality disorder: I dont know
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None
Sesame street alter ego: Elmo
Fairytale alter ego: None
Most stupid remark: I forgot
Worst crime: None
Greatest ambition:
Greatest fear: Death
Darkest secret: None
Favorite subject: Math
Strangest received gift: A piggy bank
Worst habit: Cursing
Do You:
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Curse: Daily Basis
Shower daily: Hell Yes
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Dance in the rain: I'll try next year
Sing: No
Play an instrument: Not any more
Get along with your parents: Yes love them
Wish on stars: No
Believe in fate: Yes
Believe in love at first sight: Yes
Can You:
Drive: Yes
Sew: No
Cook: Yes
Speak another language: A lil spanish
Dance: Naw
Sing: No
Touch your nose with your tongue: My tounge aint that long
Whistle: Naw
Curl your tongue: Naw
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Plenty of times
Been Stoned/High: PLENTY OF TIMES
Eaten Sushi: Not yet
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Hell yeah
Made prank calls: Dont do that
Sent someone a love letter: Back in 95
Stolen something: Yes
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Bad breath
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Very Funny
Name three things you can't live without: Money Love Momma
What is the color of your room? White
Do you have any siblings? Yes
Do you have any pets? No
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No
What is you middle name? Antwon
What are you nicknames? Box Fatty-O
Are you for or against gay marriage? Yeah
What are your thoughts ..ion? I hate it
Do you have a crush on anyone? Nope
Are you afraid of the dark? No
How do you want to die? Of cancer
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 5
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? My Momma thats it
What is the last law you’ve broken? Ran a light on River St.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel Brown
Height Between 5'5 to 5'9
Weight Between 150 to 175
Most important physical feature: Smile
Biggest turn-off Ugly feet
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at niggas.Anything else you would like to know... I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

My Interests

Go to the movies, go to the club, spend time with my family and friends, make and spend $$MONEY$$, go to work, talk on the phone...I Just Do My Thing...

I'd like to meet:

Someone Like You...


Rap: Jezzy Dj Drama T.I. Camoflauge(RIP) Bone Three Six Mafia Trick Daddy Roam Bad Daddy DMX Jay-Z Lil Wayne R@B: R. Kelly Ne-Yo Chris Brown Ginuwine Brain McKnight Jahem Fantasha Silk Old Skool: Luther Vandross(RIP) Al Green Marvin Gaye Anneta Baker Smokey Robenson The Commadors The Gap Band I'm really open minded about music...


Action (Man On Fire,Blade,The Fugitive,Bad Boys,I Robot) Comedies (Def Comedy Jam,All The Fridays,Kings of Comedy,Harlem Nights,Coming To Amercia) Drama Hood Movies (Boyz In The Hood,Baller Blockin,Choices) Horror (Final Destanation,Friday The 13th,Nightmare On Elm Street,Hollowen,Dreamcatcher,The Shineing) That is just a taste...


24 Basketball Football ESPN Family Guy The 11:00 News RealWorld Fresh Prince In Living Color NipTuck The Sheild All Of Us Girlfriends Looney Tunes Tom and Jerry SpongeBob Anything that's good to watch and worth watching...


Dutch, Dutch 2, Street Dreams.


My Family!

My Blog

I'm Home Now...

I'm Home Now...So what up man? Yall been doing good? Well me holdn it down for the G.C. a.k.a The City of Dreams and Nightmare...Naw, but it is The City...Happy Years, Merry Chritsmas, And all that ot...
Posted by This Is All I Know on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 06:19:00 PST