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Your results:
You are Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi 71% Yoda 71% R2-D2 69% Chewbacca 67% Princess Leia 65% Luke Skywalker 63% Padme 63% An Ewok 63% Qui-Gon Jinn 62% Boba Fett 59% You are civilized, calm, and
have a good sense of humor,
even when those around you don't.
You can hold your own in a fight,
but prefer it when things
don't get too exciting.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the Star Wars Personality Test
My pirate name is: Dirty Jack Bonney You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! Get your own pirate name from