Curse profile picture


About Me

CURSE is a band from NYC, comprised of four souls, each with our own interests, eccentricities, influences and style. Which witch is which?!

This page will mostly be kept by Mikaela, with occasional input from the other CURSErs, when they're feelin' frisky.

"Goth blues jazz rock. Think Janis Joplin or Siouxsie, with a little bit of that NYC sensibility and Velvet Underground groove." --Gothic Beauty Magazine

My Blog


We're very excited about tonight's show...we've lined up Grammy Award-winning producer Steve Remote to record it for us, and horror actor Sid Haig (Kill Bill, Night of 1000 Corpses) will be on hand to...
Posted by on Mon, 23 May 2005 14:05:00 GMT

Sid Haig to introduce us at Alchemy tomorrow

Thea here; it's not fair to make Mikaela do all the posting, is it? Please note if you're a horror movie fan: I just found out that Sid Haig who was in House of 1,000 Corpses, Kill Bill 2, etc. (IM...
Posted by on Sun, 22 May 2005 12:24:00 GMT

At last...a post!

Hi everyone...sorry I have been so very lame about updating this. Blah blah...sooner or later I will actually get around to uploading some toonage, but for now, i'm working really hard on the songs fo...
Posted by on Mon, 09 May 2005 14:45:00 GMT


This will be an interesting experiment...I thought I'd set up a space for the band rather than a personal one for myself, since I already have a livejournal that I update fairly frequently. I have add...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:10:00 GMT


Coffee is the nectar of the gods.
Posted by on Tue, 18 Jan 2005 09:44:00 GMT

BTW... I can't stop watching this!!!

I have no affiliation with these folks at all...I just think the goth-witch character is a scream. It's the one called, "spell-a-casters"
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:02:00 GMT

Yammering on into the aethyr t'is...yet another new place to chitter on about music and books and all of the other things that make life worth living. I'm hoping that the other members of CURSE will post here too, so t...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Jan 2005 14:40:00 GMT