Dance, dancing, dancer! Love it, PA Dancer at CCU, gotta love those hotpants girls!
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Johnny Depp, although he is just too cool so maybe not! Robbie Williams definately, would NEVER say no to that!
Robbie Wiiiilllllliaaaaammmssss! Anything really, RnB, Dance, Old School, Indie Rock, the list goes on...
Pirates of the Carribean, the Deppers and Bloomin Orlando, what more do you want?! How to lose a guy in 10 days, fab film also, Matthew McCoughnay or however its spelt, any film with eye candy is guuuuurd!
Lost lost lost lost jack jack jack jack!
Reading Goodbye, Dearest Holly at the moment, then onto the Da Vinci Code
Meeeeeee! DangerCurl....the original soopah hero!
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