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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm aJ. i'm awesome. and that's pretty much all there is to it. i'm easy to get along with. kinda hard to deal with. but that's the best part of the adventure. if you don't know me, you won't get me. once you get me, you won't wanna let go of me. i know it sounds like i'm speaking highly of myself, but i'm not the only one that feels this way. just ask any of my fellow fambam or meegos that are in my friends list, they'll tell you the same thing. "aj sucks." "ohmygawd! i can't stand him!" "he's so annoying." after about a good 20 minutes, they'll finally cut the crap and let you know that i'm the best damn thing that has yet to happen to you. enjoy!
the following box is filled with some interesting things that people have said, and some interesting conversations that i have participated in. it's basically here so you can get the feel of what kind of person i am.
â™ : UR CRAZY! -everyone
â™ : grow up... -mom
â™ : u r a weird child. -chem/bio teacher
â™ : I CANT BELIEVE U SAID THAT! -everyone
â™ : woah! sezzy thang! -emily
â™ : why u walkin around actin like u smell boo-boo? -jenn
â™ : UR FREAKIN ADORABLE!!! -classmates (to an old baby picture)
â™ : i cant stand u. -itty bitty little big brother
â™ : there's something about u... -tessa
â™ : ur not that perfect. -haters
â™ : what goes on in that head of yours? -mom
â™ : dont u ever sleep? -veronica
â™ : do u have an "off" or "mute" button? -christina
â™ : are u mildly retarded? -itty bitty little big brother
â™ : ur a cute one. -random customer
â™ : wow! u sing? that must be a hidden voice...let's keep it hidden. -co workers
â™ : co0L -tina
â™ : she looks all 'make a wish foundation'! -davis people
â™ : what were u thinking? -mom
â™ : pocahontas was not a skank! -mari
â™ : WHAT WERE U THINKING?! -everyone
â™ : i just wanna shake the bu-jeezus outta u. -cathy
â™ : when the next acting gig comes along u better get ur ass in that line and DELIVER! -chit
â™ : LET'S GO CLUBBING!!! -liz/chong
â™ : oh well, snakes on a plane! -LC
â™ : a bean burrito, no onions, extra cheese...they didnt put extra cheese...i'm a little upset. -keyota
â™ : man u were makin fun of me then, now look at u, ur more white-washed than me, and im white! -bex
â™ : for a mexican, u have a nice nose -pp
â™ : your voice isnt that bad! -keyota
â™ : she seems like she's full of herself! -miguel
â™ : yeah, before u were all PWUAH all round and puffy, now ur all with a jaw line! -bex
â™ : when i fart i have to fart on the yellow bush...sara said to. -marcos
â™ : when life throws u lemons make lemonade. when life throws u bitches, slap a bitch! -say
â™ : AJ did u fall!? wait for the lights to come they're on...can u see now sweetie? -deana
â™ : u know, if dao was still alive, i dont think i would be hanging out with u guys. -say
â™ : well if i ever wanna go to a club or a bar for free i know who to call! -veronica
â™ : don't worry aj, don't get pissed off because of old people, they're gonna die eventually, so it's not even worth it. -freddie
â™ : ["do u like scary movies?!"] NO!!! they make me cry. -chong
â™ : well i thought thats what the early phone calls were for, for breakfast! -liz
â™ : what does ur necklace say? "speak"? dont u think that since its u, it should have the word speak with one of them slashes goin through it to say "dont speak"?! -freddie
â™ : aj, me and u, we're like will and grace. or jack and karen... either way we're uber retarded! -sara
â™ : he's my crackhead friend! everyone needs a crackhead friend! -helen
â™ : this boy is straight up dorky! -andrea
â™ : andrea hun, aj is not dorky...he's just mentally delayed. -frankie
â™ : oh im gonna love having u here in membership, ur so cute! -kira
â™ : i just wanna put u in my pocket and take u home! -aurora
â™ : i'd hit it. -maggie
â™ : ah aj, pinche club hopping marijuano! -kirk
â™ : (part1) i am absolutely head over heels for aj. -aurora
â™ : (part2) yeah and im trying to figure out why!? -grant
â™ : UR FACE! -katria
â™ : im trying to give you a counseling notice, stop looking at me all sad with puppy eyes! -kira
â™ : aj, my boyfriend does not hate u! he just isnt really a big fan of urs, thats all. -sara
â™ : who returned the patron? AND ITS NOT EVEN OPENED! ooh... aj, i think we need to uh... do a little quality control... know what im sayin? -nicole m.
â™ : iono, but someones gonna get a mean comment tonite! -nicole s.
â™ : yeah, i bet aj changes his top whatever everytime something mean happens to him! -mari
â™ : (said to andrea) GOT GET A TAN! -vince
â™ : (me laughing) AJ I KNOW U AINT LAUGHING! -andrea
â™ : ok garfield, dont make me go take ur temperature. u do know that ur turning down lasagna, right? -mom
â™ : ur weird aj, u can cut my onions any day. -angela
â™ : [1of4] ...i was like-eew! whats that smell? -loan
â™ : [2of4] yeah, i farted in the club. and??? -mari
â™ : [3of4] im talkin about right now! -loan
â™ : [4of4] oh! nevermind. i dont know. -mari
â™ : ooh aj, ur a freak! -pierre
â™ : wow...pretty AND pretty-damn good! -kira
â™ : aj u left the door unlocked when u left to do laundry! somebody coulda came in and stoled me! is that a risk ur willing to take right now? -sara
â™ : i broke my fu@k!n shoe! i could see if that guy was fine but he was 'eh' and it was not worth breaking my fu@k!n shoe! -chit
â™ : dont confuse threats as flirtation sucka! -nicole s.
â™ : i like the way aj drives, he doesnt think, he just goes! -christie
â™ : u may not know when it happens, but ur a natural flirt...u just dont know it. -chong
â™ : man, puck u with ur lumberjack strength! u, u, u, u puckin lumberjack! -andrew ding
â™ : its ok aj, IM rooting for u... lets go aj, lets go! [clap clap] -katria
â™ : blue really is your color... it brings out your adorability times 10! -aurora
â™ : u know, if u didnt work here, i could swear u would fit in at 'urban outfitter' or a store in berk. -lara
â™ : ooh aj got a sugar mama! -pierre
â™ : 106 is a regular radio station out here, i guess your car automatically tunes into 'bean' where ever. -nicole s.
â™ : where is dave and busters? IT BETTER NOT BE IN NORTH RICHMOND!!! -sarai
â™ : oh good, noby's back. maybe he can teach aj how to not be so wild! -frankie
â™ : i cant flirt...[u dont know how or ur not allowed to?]im not allowed to! -freddy
â™ : i had to do this report on aretha franklin and i found out that 'respect' had to do with pimps and hoes. -polly
â™ : i get tired of guys yellng at me when i walk my dog down the street. especially those damn mexicans! -polly
â™ : ooh unh unh! thats your 'hi' face??? i've seen u with cuter 'hi' faces...try again! -andrea
â™ : dont be playin that 'myspace tag' bullshit. if we gonna kick it, u better call me or somethin! -ken
â™ : aj theres a spider...aj! theres a spider! AJ THERES A SPIDER!!! KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!!! IF ITS NOT A DADDY-LONG-LEGS ITS NOT OUR FRIEND!!! KILL IT!!! -sara
â™ : u be careful with that sorrority/fraternity spiking drinks bullshit out there because if anyone tries to rape u, i'll beat their ass! u know i will, aj! -cathy
â™ : olives are the food of the devil! -ashley
â™ : basically, your blogs are what keep me alive! -ashley
â™ : i will dance on tables and chairs anytime with you. -mari
â™ : dammit aj! why do we have to be the 'homewrecking' type of people? -cathy
â™ : aj, ur like a fireball, its just non-stop. i cant keep up. ur right, im just not on ur level. -todd
â™ : no aj, u are not always right. ur just always loud. -grant
â™ : i love me some punkin lights! -my nephew
â™ : saw 3? is that the second one? -may
â™ : now THAT is what a membership clerk is supposed to look like; shirt tucked in, hair combed, shoes tied, no outrageous piercings...not like that baggy jeans, messy hair, hooded sweater, untucked shirt look u had the other day... lookin all raggedy and street. -grant
â™ : this place looks like they got all the ugly people together and invited them here... except for us, were hot. -mari
â™ : why must u be such a homewrecker?!... thanks a lot! ;) -chong
â™ : aj, ur my heroin. -angela
â™ : i still have ur old lighter! [yeah i bought a new one.] dont let me find it because i'll take it. [oh dont worry, to get this lighter u'll have to touch me inappropriately.] DONT THINK I WONT! -chong
â™ : if joey was here, i wouldnt be saying this, but aj, ur my favorite! -angela
â™ : clubbing sounds so dangerous. leave it to the cavemen, aj. -freddie
â™ : i anticipate lots of pelvic thrusting when we go clubbin, yes? -katria
â™ : friendly? ur really friendly. TOO friendly... and that's BAAAAAD!!! -joyce
â™ : YAY! my boyfriend's here! it's about time u got here, these members are drivin me crazy! -nicole m.
â™ : YOU'RE SO CUTE! -joy
â™ : man why u gotta be so damn tall?! i cant freak u! -may
â™ : man i didnt get in no fight! im walkin like this because im drunk!... i love you... happy birthday! -may
â™ : u guys steal tables and chairs!? man i DEFINITELY gotta kick it with u more often! -keith
â™ : why are u fucking my happy face? -katria
â™ : [well val, the seasonals are gone... its a good thing i didnt make friends!] its a good thing u didnt sleep with any of these seasonals!!! -val
â™ : me and liz took a vote and we decided to not meet at your house only because we dont want to get shot. -chong
â™ : that girl you were talkin to, she was flirting with you! and you know what? i know im not your girl or whatever and you're not my man, but i didnt like that at all! i was jealous! i was about ready to pounce on her ass as if you were my man! ooh aj! thats scary, im ready to fight a complete stranger for "my property" and you're not even mines! -nicole m.
â™ : aj do u have any extra stamps i could... is that your sociology book in the window? [yes it is] ur using your sociology book to prop the window open? [yes i am] well its good to know that ur actually USING your school books. -sara
â™ : i dont get it. how can you be poor AND spoiled? -andrew s.
â™ : we bonded over lemons! -katria/peter/ian
â™ : here. [what is it?] a cigarette. [what kind?] JUST COME OUTSIDE AND SMOKE THE DAMN THING WITH ME! -pierre
â™ : hey aj! i got a new name for you. its cool. come here! ready? "a-jay va-jay-jay!"... and its not even a J shape, its a Y shape... hahaha! -katria
â™ : hey are you still coming in to work? [yeah i'm on my way, just gonna be a little late.] oh ok. when i heard that something happened to you i got a little worried. -pierre
â™ : hey aj, whats the advantage to having emo grass? [i dont know, what?] IT CUTS ITSELF! [dude... ] that was funny, right? right?! [sure keith, sure... hahaha] -keith
â™ : [if i wrote u a love note, and made u smile with every word i wrote...] aj stop. [what would u do? would that make u wanna change your scene, and make u be the one on my team?] aj im not ready to be on your "team". [then stay with your boyfriend, see if i care!] i will stay with my boyfriend! [GOOD!. stay with your BOY-friend... call me when ur ready to be with a MAN!] AJ UR SO LOVEABLE!!! -angela
â™ : [she wants me.] how the heck do you know? [i can tell, her eyes scream it.] her eyes!? [yeah! listen to them, they speak to me, "come hither"] AJ, STOP LISTENING TO THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD!!! LET THEM KNOW THAT YOU CAN'T PLAY RIGHT NOW! -lara
â™ : i throw my dirty panties at you, mudder fucker! -my nephew
â™ : if u were a girl. and those girls in all your pictures were guys. you would be a whore! [maui, get out of my room!] why? because he said u were a whore? [danny, go home!] ok. we'll go home, but while we're at home, u'll still be a whore... WHORE! [get OUT!!!] -danny and maui, the little fat neighbor kids from across the street
â™ : in-n-out burger + a movie = BUTT SEX! hahaha... -katria, ian, zeek, keith, andrew d., hadji
â™ : [my home wrecking days are over!] na uh! [yeah huh! i'm not allowed to do that anymore.] yes you are! you're my OTHER boyfriend, so i allow it! -chong
â™ : ooh aj i was watchin that dancelife show you were talkin about the other day. [yeah? did you like it?] ooh lemme tell you! blake is my boy! [blah! i cant stand him.] oh no, you are just like him! same attitude and everything. [excuse me? what do you mean?!] you know, all hard shell but then you have to get to know them to like them. just like when i met you, i didnt want to approach you but i knew that you knew exactly what you wanted in life because of your attitude. -tiffany
â™ : cyndi lauper for life, bitches! -justin
â™ : you dont know what star wars is? what a nerd! -freddy
â™ : i'm gonna tie you down and make you watch all the star wars episodes in the state of las vegas! -joel
â™ : so what i dont know how to play 21! [you better quit yellin in my house 'fore i sock you in the jaw!] sock me in the jaw! i'll slap you so hard i'll make chow mein come out yo ears! -maui, fat neighbor kid from across the street
â™ : ok, so you dont know your geography. thats ok! [yeah i know. but i been practicing! quiz me.] ok, where is the middle east? [EASY! thats like in the middle where like all the boring states are. like kentucky and kasas.] oh sweetie... no. its not. its not even in our country. [oh. ok so i dont know my geography!] and thats ok. -kira
â™ : im not retarded or psycho or anything, im just a little angry on the inside. -hadji
â™ : ooh someone looks nice! [yeah, an ugly nice!] what are you talking about? you look cute like that. [but is cute supposed to be this itchy?!!!] oh god... -lara
â™ : deng! you play the game like you've played it before! -hadji
â™ : [the HATER guild!!!] oh! aj's the founder of the Haters Guild! -hadji/keith
â™ : aj's got plenty of hate to go around. -keith
â™ : so did you notice all the new hires? [yeah, hella dudes and like 2 girls] did you talk to them? [just one, trisha.] you talk to the dudes? [pssh! no.] SNOB! -pierre
â™ : so this is me and casie as babies. [what's wrong with his face!?] oh he was just ugly. -ashley
â™ : so i basically go to sleep praying to god that i dont wake up looking ugly... and then i wake up looking FAAABULOUUUUSSS!!! (insert Z snap here) -ashley
â™ : so he said, "he so... ooh... i just wanna eat his ass." and i said "wait... what?" and it woulda been funny but he said it with a serious look. -ashley
â™ : i dont care what anyone says, everyone has at least %15 of gay in them. %15!!! -ashley
â™ : oh give ME a recording contract! [to be a successful recording artist you have to have beef with someone!] oh yeah? hmm... LIONEL RICHIE! GENIUS!!! i guess now since we got beef, i'll be calling him "lionel BITCHie" -ashley
â™ : [ok so you know how im always looking in the mirror?] uh huh, yeah. [well i heard someone outside the window, so i angled the mirror to see who it was and it was your boyfriend.] yeah, so? [well, i saw him picking his nose!] ...ok. [and then whatever it was he pulled out, he put it in his mouth!] so what are you saying? [HE PICKED HIS NOSE! PULLED SOMETHING OUT! STUCK IT IN HIS MOUTH! AND SPIT IT OUT LIKE A SUNFLOWER SEED!!!] oh my god!!! [I KNOW!!!] what the hell are you doing looking at my boyfriend from your mirror!!? [...are you not listening!?] yeah, you're staring at my boyfriend! [SARA! FINGER. NOSE. BOOGER. MOUTH. SPIT! it doesnt get funkier than that!] OH MY GOD!!! [I KNOW!!!] YOU ADMIT TO STARING AT MY BOYFRIEND! [...get the fcuk out my room.] -classic aj and sara chat
â™ : I'm definitely ready for some wwf mexican family style. -ashley
â™ : how i act around you is just a reaction to how you are... so if im acting like my vagina is on fire... its cuz you fuckin made my vagina angry! -nicole s.
â™ : so when exactly IS cinco de mayo? -keith
â™ : and thanks to YOU, we have more beer than regular drinks in the fridge! [ME!!!? you're the one with your own alcohol in your room! i saw that skyy bottle AND bottle of cranberry juice on your bureau!] whatever! if i'm an alcoholic then you've been in AND out of rehab 5 times! [excuse me!!!?] yeah! you drunk. [whatever! you don't know me!!!] oh yeah? when's the last time you had a drink? [... shut up! you don't know me AT ALL!] mmm hmm... i thought so. [go get drunk!] GO CHECK IN! -classic aj and sara talk
â™ : cocked eyes, crooked legs, eye patches? AJ! we are pretty people! we can't have that around us! -connie
â™ : it's ok, ur the cute one. -andrea
â™ : it's funny how andrea says that now that she's had like 4 beers and she doesn't say that at work when she's sober! -[i forgot who said it because i also was under the influence, but i know it was said because i was laughing a lot]
â™ : i love you a.j.! -trisha tanaker
â™ : [look at the guys in that car. they look dirty. like they have a yeast infection.] ooh i want that car! [no you don't! you'll get a yeast infection from those cars!] so what! i've always wanted that car since i was a little kid. [trisha. you'll catch a yeast infection!] so i'll get the creams, it's ok, i want that car! -trisha tanaker
â™ : i knew that sweet and sour was good, but this hot and sour soup is like jesus threw up in the bowl because it tastes like heaven. -ashley
â™ : HE-LLO!??? [what?] HE-LLLLOOO!!? [what?!] WHAT? [huh?] HUH? [what?] AJ? [...yeah!?] SHUT UP! [what!?] SHUT UP! [why?] i'm on the phone. [with who!?] i don't know. they won't answer. [so you're on the phone with no one?] no, there's someone, i can hear them breathing. [sara, it's midnight. hang up the phone and go to sleep.] na uh baby, it's free nights and weekends and i'm bored. [SARA! what if this person is stalking us and trying to kill us!!!?] well i'm trying to find out who it is so i can at least look decent! [WHAT?!?! I'M THE ONE LOOKIN RAGGEDY! I'M TRYING TO FINISH MY LAUNDRY. TELL THEM TO COME LATER, WHEN I GOT GOOD CLOTHES! my mom would be disappointed in me if i looked torn and tattered on cops!] ...ok. HELLO! HE-LLLLLOOOO!? HELLO? well if you can hear me, me and my friend are not ready to get killed. we look a hot mess right now, so come later. but real quick, are you cute? [SARA!!!] WHAT!? i am fighting with my boyfriend right now and i need attention! [oh god. you are the only girl i know that can get a creepy stalker to not stalk you anymore.] ...but i'm BORED!!! HELLO? HA-LOW!? oh hell no. [what happened?] they hung up on me! they hung up. on ME! AJ! [what?!] get dressed. [why!?] cuz i'm bout to star-6-9 him and we bout to whoop his ass for wasting my time. [i got my keys.] -classic aj and sara talk
â™ : [the neighbor lady needs a ride!] uh... is she asking me or asking you? [she asked me, i gotta get ready for work.] well tell her im in the shower. [dude, that's wrong.] WHAT!? [well i'm not going back out there] aaarrrgh! i guess i'll do it. [ok, she's waiting outside.] ok... AWW MAAAAAN! [what!?] that means i gotta put on a bra! [hahahaha... lazy ass!] and i was comfy too. -classic aj and sara talk
â™ : [my sister is in the newspaper!] why? [because-] DID SHE GET ARRESTED! [no!] WAS SHE THE ONE THAT GOT SHOT IN FRONT OF FOODS CO!? [NO!] does she know the person that got shot in front of foods co!? [SOMEBODY GOT SHOT IN FRONT OF FOODS CO!?... NO!!!] well you know where the lil donut shop is? [yeah?] RIGHT THERE! and then the cops came, and there was a guy covered in blood on his shirt, they asked him what happened, and he said "i don't know nothin!"... [SHUT. UP. for serious?] yes. [wow] i know. [...oh yeah, she's in the paper for graduation pictures and junk.] THATS ALL!? i thought she got arrested for something cool. but all it was was for graduation? lame. [oh i know! we SO did that 4 years ago.] holler! -classic aj and sara talk
â™ : OH TAY TAY! you saw me boo boo? i had a big o caca THIS big right now! it was BIG! i flushedid it. it was a big o caca. in the toilet. i did it. it was THIS big. but i flushedid it. -my 3 year old nephew
â™ : [i wanna piss her off!] i wanna piss ON her! and shit on her face but you prolly wont know the difference between my shit and her face. -the elegant krystle
â™ : oh my god! i remember playing football in the streets when we were younger, but i never thought i'd be spanking your ass in the clubs! -heidi
â™ : I TOLD YOU I WAS NUMB!!! -ivy (yes, THAT ivy)
â™ : ...what are you talking about!? [i don't know, i'm just saying anything so you can stay with me longer.] ...i wanna... ichu... [huh? you want a pikachu?] I WANNA BE WITH YOU!!! jeez aj! [hahaha... my bad!] -tanaker
â™ : hahaha... [what's so funny?] earlier, i was talking to and i spit and it landed in my hair, so i put hand sanitizer in my hair. [you put HAND SANITIZER in your HAIR?!!!?] hahaha... yes! my hair is clean and it's gonna stay clean! -pierre
â™ : aj are you aware your cell phone bill is in the bathroom? [what's my cell phone bill doing in the bathroom?] i was gonna ask you the same thing!? do you not see it when you go in the bathroom? [uh, no! when i go in there i only look at myself in the mirror. nothing else.] ha! you definitely are YOUR FATHER'S son. [eew! bite your tongue, woman! well at least i didn't sleep with him. who got the short end of the stick there, eh?] bitch. -a convo with me and my mom
â™ : what is she saying? [she's saying "why don't you come on over, valerie."] oh. it sounds like she's saying "why don't you come on over, Zattarains!" like that commercial for the Zattarain's rice. [stoopid!] -me and sister erica discussing amy winehouse's "Valerie"
â™ : i love how you're so in love with yourself. -jen
â™ : why you actin like that? [like what?] like THAT! [tiff, i don't know what you're talkin about.] what's wrong? who told you you can't have no koodowop? [what!?] somebody musta said 'no, you can't have none of my koodowop' if you actin like that. what's her name? [tiffany!] ooh! what's HIS name?! [TIFFANY!!!] HAHAHA... i'm just playin with you, you know i love you. -tiff
â™ : you have the sexiest jaw-line i've ever seen. -jen
â™ : we are from the same fam. all we do is talk about people! [true dat...] Yep yep thats us!!! Hahahaahh... we're mean and i love it! -B
â™ : STOP IT! he is your big brother, you are his little brother, and she is the little thither to the both of you. you guys are all you have. stop fighting like bitches! -mom
â™ : WTF! standing there all sophisticated, smoking your cigarette, with your shirt that says BYTE ME! haha... that's class. -ronald
â™ : why you pulling your shirt down? hiding your draws? [haha. no! i'm hiding my tattoo!] your tattoo!? [yeah, it says "tramp"! haha...] haha... I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED! [i was kidding!!!] mmmm hmmm... -lauren
â™ : [ay biatch, where you goin?] we're goin to subway! want anything? [naw, i'm good.] you want something, you know you do! [no, i don't!] YES YOU DO! [you know what? i'll show your TUNNEL a SUBWAY!] ooooh. that was a good one. touche my friend, touche. -ding
â™ : ...yeah, he's from Ukraine- [oh my god, he's middle eastern!?] -nooooo. Ukraine is near Russia. ugh AJ! [oh. riiiiiight. i knew that.] -mari
â™ : i don't expect virginal from you. -mari
â™ : it's not like you to care about what some stranger thinks of you! you ok? -jenny
â™ : this foo went and told the bartender how to make an "adios". you really don't play when it comes to drinking, do you? [(insert long sip) nope.] -peter
â™ : you bring the evil outta me. [ME!? so on a scale of 1 to 10, how nice is this aj guy?] about a 2 1/2. -nicole s
â™ : ooh! gladay gots glasses! -my nephew
â™ : ok, seriously dude, stop shaving. with those glasses, you look 14. -jose
â™ : she said we were rude to her, but i think "rude" is some ghetto word that must mean "cute" because, after all, it was me and you helping her! -kira
â™ : and cute glasses by the way, they look good on you, jose thinks you shouldn't shave when you where them because you look like a kid. -kira
â™ : i like your glasses. they look good on you. makes you look smart. not that you didn't look smart before. they just make you look cute. not that you weren't cute before. but i just like you better with them on. but i liked you without them too... [good night, kellie] i like your glasses. -kellie
â™ : ooh aj reppin the bifocals! haha, naw, but they look good on you. makes ya look not dumb. -merissa
â™ : haha! clark kent over here! -keith
â™ : your new name is Antarctica Jupiter. -some random little girl at work
â™ : oh you look so cute in your glasses! -ruzena
â™ : ooh, pek! i like your glasses, very sauve! looks good. -pia
â™ : hahahaha... [what!?] nothin. [no, tell me!] haha... it's just there's just too much jiggle in your wiggle. [WHAT!?!?] mm hmm. but it's not a bad thing. not from where i'm walkin, anyway. [HAHAHA! LAUREN!!!] what? -lauren
â™ : [having this thing is making my lips chapped and sore. i bought some carmex, but now it looks like i got some super shiny lips.] oh. so you could say you got some poppin lip-gloss. hahahaha... -hazel
â™ : [i'm just so over the people that are just dumb! i think that if you can't comprehend simple rules of life, we should take your card!] aj, calm down. acupuncture. you have so many holes from piercings, you should be the most calm! -grant
â™ : i can't believe no one has said anything to you for that! [i know! that's pretty sick, huh?] you are really pushing the envelope with your piercings, mister! -kira
â™ : dude, see, if you lived closer, we can be hangin out watchin snow white or somethin. -alaa
â™ : you can do it! you're strong! you're a mastodon! [did you just call me an elephant?] a mastodon's an elephant!? [pfft! yes! didn't you watch power rangers when you were a kid!?] ...ohhh yyyyeah, it is! -francis
â™ : aj is the Jan Brady of the department. we love him. he just doesn't feel that we love him. MARCIA, MARCIA, MARCIA! -kira
â™ : oh my god, did you hear him? he said hola! [i know! he even said it in spanish! "you're hired!"] ...aj. did you hear what i just said? [huh? pfft. yeah!] obviously if he said hola it was gonna be in spanish. mr encyclopedia over here. duh. -ash[ley]
â™ : i wanna be aJ for a day! [why?] because. you can cuss at members and management and not get into trouble. [that's because you gotta do it with a smile.] and there you have it ladies and gentlemen. the perfect specimen of a customer service representative. -vicky
â™ : you have to remember that everyday, you wake up with a certain amount of energy. and everyday, you have to come to a realization that someone's gonna drain your energy. now do you want it to be you so you can use it to be productive, or are you gonna let some trashy, ignorant, low-class person take your energy? -kris b.
â™ : am i gay??? am i straight??? ...and i realized, i'm just slutty. -margaret cho
â™ : {roel} *michelle* [me] {go michelle! went the extra mile for a member! yay!} *it was nothin, really.* [what? michelle? went the extra mile? for a member? without being rude or cussing at them!?... oh wait...] (at the same time) *{[that's me!]YOU!}*
NOTE: i will be constantly adding to this. so say what you mean and mean what you say.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

if you don't know who this is, then you can go ahead and end your life right now. thanks for living!

My Blog

it's on my mind, maybe good-bye?

i haven't done one of these in a lonnnnnng time. but a lot of things have been happening lately, and i don't understand them. maybe i'm not meant to understand them. who knows. but i know i'm tired of...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 03:44:00 GMT

is there really a "reset button"?

ever have something in your life go really really awry?things got so misconstrued and confusing and just out of order.apologies were said.things went back to "normal" but it still feels out of place.s...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 21:31:00 GMT


sorry guys. but the bus has been canceled. i know. those of you that paid me, you WILL get your money back when i see you. those of you that flaked last minute, i hope you get molested by a priest.aga...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:43:00 GMT

"NO ONE wants to be THAT girl..."

you guys ever go out at night with a group of your friends and get a couple of drinks, share a couple laughs, shake your ass a bit, and then make fun of the girl that's bumping into everyone and every...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 21:36:00 GMT

leave a message [beep]

turn up the thermostatit's only 50 damn degreeseverybody is so warm and i'm so coldthey're sayin "can you believe that?he's got all those damn piercings.and he sings about the blues.AND he's livin sub...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:11:00 GMT

welcome back to the gym

so tonight was my first night back in the gym since july. as some of you may or may not know, i popped my knee out of place back in july and sadly haven't been able to go back. until now! so i'm reall...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 09:35:00 GMT

in case you guys forgot...

im not waiting around for NO ONE to save mewon't depend on someone to validate mei dont need to be anyone's "baby"no i dont need another "half" to make me wholemake your move if u want, doesn't mean i...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 22:27:00 GMT

for this, i am thankful

i'm posting this blog to see what all my friends on this thing called myspace are thankful for. i'll start. and i want you guys to comment on it with what you're thankful for.ahem...i'm thankful for n...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 04:55:00 GMT

2 of hearts

from the minute that you walked right through the doorthoughts were racing through my mind, time to explorei tell my friends that i just gotta have thatbut dont look now because i see you starin backt...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Nov 2008 06:04:00 GMT

hot n cold

i conjure up the thought of being gonebut i probably even do not wanti try to think about which waywould i be able to, and would i be afraidbecause i'm bleeding out insidesad thing is that i don't eve...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 18:06:00 GMT