Site!, what to say? I’m Kev, I’m from Newcastle, I drive a VW, I’m a musician, I like to DJ and I’m uBer at fixing computers and stuff… will that do?
In my day job I work at Ringtons Tea as a support person, helping fix all sorts of problems there, it's not too bad and pays for my house! I must say the Kenya Gold tea is divine! I used to be an IT bloke for Pendragon (Europes largest car retailer) - they own Reg Vardy, Evans Halshaw, Stratstone and Chatfields etc... (ahem, and drove it to the dogs) I loved the showroom buzz and still do contracted IT work in dealerships. Computers, networks, printers, football results - you name it I can fix it!
I've achieved quite a bit in my life so far, to sum it up - firstly I used to be a distance swimmer. I used to train every other night, and I usually spent most evenings after school swimming 72 lengths in a 25 metre pool (yes, Timmy you got it right, that works out about a mile) - I topped that off with a 5 mile swim, and even have the certificate to prove it!
Following that, I am a musician, I've played the trumpet for over 10 years now, starting in 1997 - I started it as an excuse to get out of lessons, but quickly took an interest. I've played infront of thousands of people over the past 10 years, I've taken exams in it and even had my Royal Schools of Music certification for it. My trumpeting saw me join a large orchestra and with this I had the pleasure of playing at the Newcastle Playhouse in front of thousands & also in front of a large audience at the Newcastle City Hall. Music took me all around the country - I've played all over, and wouldn't change it for the world!
There are a few events that stick in my mind as the best I've ever played at - I've played a solo & duet at Newcastle City Hall - in front of thousands of people, I played a duet there with my good friend David - I remember it well, we played 'In a Flugel Mood' - to a standing ovation. I've performed music from Hollywood soundtracks to big audiences in a full orchestra to a similar ovation. I've played with the Army's brass band, I've played for Royalty, for disabled people and people in hospital, I've played for friends and family, for productions, for radio and even performed live on stage with Courtney Pine (a top Jazz saxophonist ( I don't play as much as I'd like to anymore, but every Christmas I dust it down and perform locally at a Christmas concert for a local college. Sadly our 'era' of the band I was in (where I performed the big stages) ended back in 2002. It all came to an end properly in December 2007 though as the music teacher Mrs. Hutchinson retired and this was out last performance together.
To go along with the above, I was also a keen biker. Most evenings (once swimming stopped) - I would bike with David (my trumpet duet pal) and would often ride a particular route every other night, working it out now it was over 20 miles. I was very fit, but that stopped the second I got a car. I want to get back into that, but I'll need to purchase a new bike! My old one was stolen. I'd safely hazard a guess I did a few thousand miles on that bike!
To top it off, I also use to do flying lessons and clocked up plenty of hours, I did this down at RAF Leeming (I did want to be a pilot - but my eyes & colour blindness put an end to that!) - I've done a lot of aerobatics, loops, rolls and all that (some over the A1!) - it's another thing I enjoyed but stopped (and couldn't afford to do again!) - I was also a keen walker, and enjoyed doing my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze/Silver expeditions. To show how much I liked it I went back the next weekend on another expedition with some other mates doing their walk, and did it all over again a week later - for fun!.
On the other side of my life, I'm company Chairman of CBIT ( - this means usually once a month, I put on my cardigan and meet with other folks to discuss radio stuff. Sometimes it gets exciting and we have chocolate biscuits... or Ringtons Tea!
I'm big into dance and trance music and I love music on the Anjunabeats label (Stuff like Above & Beyond). When I'm not playing on the turnable tables I'm also an avid car person, big into my VW’s and I love going out with my mates driving - I've just got a Bora so all is good... OK, I admit, I have a diesel – but try it off the line, you'll be swallowing your hat little Timmy!
I also like to eat biscuits, but not too many! Despite the claims I'm fat I'm loosing tons and will be super duper fit again soon.
I have the pleasure of having family at both ends of the country now too. I live up here in Newcastle and the rest of my family now live down in Blackpool and currently run a Bed and Brekfast – proppa bo eh? If you want to stay there I do charge a booking fee, although depending who you are, I might be nice and just give you their business card.On a final note too, I DJ at the XS 10 Pin Longbenton on Thursday nights from 7pm and the first Wednesday of the month there. It's a fantastic gig and there's always a shedload of prizes to give away! Make sure you pop down and say hello.See below, it's NE1fm - have a listen, you can continue it on 102.5fm if you fancy too!