layout credit.add | msg | cmnt
I'm Maria.
Sixteen years old & super liberal.
Huge pacifist until it comes to absolutely necessary confrontation.
I have the terrible tendency to swear a lot.
I heart Kurt Russell and Jack Nicholson. :)
There's a freckle on my thumb.
I adore my friends & family to the ends of the earth and back.
Music means about as much to me as life itself.
I've acquired a sudden adoration for deliciously gory zombie movies.
Kindly don't assume things about me; ask questions & get answers.
The sky is NOT the limit.
I support Free Rice .
"Such a waste of a wonderful day;
Wrecked and ruined by your slanderous ways
By the games you play,
Oh, by the games you play.
It will be the death of me,
Before I let you get the best of me."
Yeahhhhh. :)