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Andrea the Great

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 22. I like the beach, traveling, boating, biking, sewing, getting money, giving gifts, being spoiled,having fun, being scared shitless. I love watching movies, listening to music and writing. I hope that one day i can finally decide what I want to do with my life. I like battlefeilds, museums, broaddway, art and the renfaire. I collect shells, barbies ( Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

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I like anything to do with travel, and the beach. A beachy person is a friend of mine. I am a serious roller coaster freak, and love adrenaline. I like listening to music and writing, and creating things. Oh, and and I like history, and I like geology, and vampires, music,mythology from around the world and learning about anything I can...I'd like to die an educated person. I am an animal person too, and the zodiac chart fascinates me. I'm pretty open to trying new foods, as long as they are not mollusks or bugs. Then again, I'd rather eat a cricket than a mussel.

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I'd like to meet:

well, I already met him :) other than him; I'd take Joanna Going (my hero!) or oprah (another hero!) or ioan Gruffudd, my god. Metting Steve Stevens and BIlly Idol would be cool too. ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You?
You are MEIER LINK from "Vampire Hunter D : Bloodlust"!
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Which Princess Bride Character are You?


Winger, RATT, Twisted Sister, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Nemesis, Billy Idol, Michael jackson, Huey Lewis and the News, Rick Springfeild, Fall Out Boy,Ozzy,30 seconds to Mars, Meatloaf, All American Rejects, Trans Siberian Orchestra, The Who, the Killers, Angels and Airwaves, Within Temptation,Bon Jovi,Beethoven, Tchaicovsky, Broadway , Enya ...the list goes on

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Exorcist, Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust, Dracula(1979), Dracula (1993), Somewhere in Time, Interview with the Vampire, Labyrinth, In the Company of Wolves, Stone Cold, Wolf's Rain, Dark Shadows, The many Adventures of Robin Hood, Captain Blood, Hound of the Baskervilles, Rebecca, Jane Eyre, Emma, Pride and Predjudice, Amityville Horror, Howls' Moving Castle, He Man (yes, the movie), Gone with the Wind, How to make and American Quilt, House of the Spirits, Michael, 13th Warrior, Rocky Horror (seen it live 2x!),Kull,Napoleon Dynamite, all Conan, Red Sonja, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Golan Gobus Movies!!!! National Lampoon's Christmas vacation, House of Flying Daggers,The Breakfast Club, memoirs of a geisha, ace venturas, excorscism of emily rose...


CSI!!!! Ghost Hunters, and of course, South Park, then there's Law and Order SVU and CSI Miami. And CSI: NY. I like Futurama and Family Guy, Robot Chicken, and varied anime that I can catch. Dirty Jobs is good too. "Let's count all the times Horatio takes his sunglasses off" lolol rob

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Mists of Avalon,Bram Stoker's Dracula, Horatio Hornblower, Perfume, The historian, Pet Sematary, IT, Storm of the Century, Shining, (ok, pretty much all early stephen King...) Great Expectations, A Christmas Story, A Christmnas carol, Memoirs of a Geisha, Edgar ALlen Poe (my homie)Jane Austen Books, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Crap Vacations: 50 tales of hell on earth, Vampire hunter D, Jekyll and Hyde, the Encyclopedia of Strange Phenomena and my own stories and poems (I have to like them)


My dad, Batman, Mommy Dearest, Errol Flynn, Howard Carter, Oprah,Ruth Handler,Golan and Globus,The Green Ranger,Jem,The Ice Cream Man and of course, Kip Winger.

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My Blog

Soap operas make no sense.

Well, today just keeps getting better and better by the hour. 1. Woke up late. Out the door by ten forty. 2. Got to school. Fought for parking spot. On north campus in the building for my class by 1...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 11:30:00 PST


THAT got your attention didn't it? Random Factoid: Did you know that there's something called a stoup???? It's a cross between a soup and a stew. And it rhymes with poop. Huh. Anyway, to what the blo...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 01:00:00 PST

f*** u designers...

So i have been bitten by the retail bug. I want to spend my money....but I can't. I have to do noble things ( haven't forgotten u dani...) and save for a vacation, a destination wedding ( in a co...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:54:00 PST

Fuck school

I fucking hate school. I don't want to write a fucking argumentative essay on why statistics are important to history, I don't FEEL like it. I just got done with a full week of two jobs and school. I'...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:29:00 PST

Certain people need to grow up.

You know who you are. I hate you right now. And if you hack in and read this, you damn well know it, too. THIS IS MY SHIT. I have spoken. A
Posted by Andrea the Great on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 05:13:00 PST

UGH Creepy people!

Have you ever had one of those people just rub you the wrong way? You know, like Kevin Costner, or perhaps Kevin Bacon? Or maybe, someone you work with, or someone you see around in the mall, or in cl...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:22:00 PST

Ugh...sometimes i hate my job.

Well, its one of the three I have. Or the two...whatever. I don;t feel like getting into the nitty gritty of it...We all know the "legit" job at KB, and then I'm an uber-babysitter for Rose and a baby...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST ....ffing....BORED

UUUUUUGH! I hate rain. I had to traipse around all day in it, and now I'm watching it fall and thunder and lightening. It feels like England...I;m not supposed to be cold in august!!! I watched two mo...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 02:12:00 PST

shoes ( those shoes are MINE betch!)

I have a new hero. I discovered his videos on youtube and I fell IN LOVE with his comedy stuff. check him out, his name is liam kyle sullivan, and he dresses up like a chick and has this goofy music ...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:10:00 PST

I HATE BUGS!!!!! Ther war is on bitches.....

Be warned, you sap sucking, asinine rose eating beetles and bugs..I am armed with Bayer, Raid and Off!. And they work too. I just wante to rant and rave for a few minutes about the hazards of gardeni...
Posted by Andrea the Great on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:53:00 PST