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Enlighten me? WHO THE FUCK ARE YA??

About Me

Born July 10 1987, Ben Gilbey-Brown is a famous, popular down to earth young man amongst many crowds ranging from the affluent friends of university to old school friends and local town folk. Born in London. Ben has two sisters. Ben enjoyed a priviledged middle class upbringing here and spent most of his childhood years at the family home in Colera, Spain right up until the age of five where he started school.
Ben attended schools in Chigwell and Loughton and originally aspired to be an immigrations officer at a UK airport, but conflicting ideas in his head and a developed interest in the media led him to undertake Journalism at Middlesex University. Due to personality clashes and general backlash from teachers, Ben has continually debated the prospect of career choices, but recently has decided to persue a career in column writing.
Ben's career has always been clerical based, most of his early jobs where office work in the City of London and in his home town. Ben was offered work in an export company in Krefeld, Germany by a German friend of the family whilst in Spain. As appealing as the job was, he had to turn it down in favour of college studies at Harlow, Essex.
Drama was a side subject enjoyed by Ben, he regularly took part in stage opportunities. His notable stage appearances where in Bugsy Malone at his secondary school and "The Peasants Revolt" with Mercury Theatre Company working in conjunction with the Essex History Fair. He also auditioned for Hollyoaks but was not successful.
Ben has an extensive knowledge of the porn industry and is not ashamed to admit that he is a regular viewer.
Ben has a hightened sense with regards to the fashion industry, whilst not particularly following current trends, Ben is fashion conscious and seeks to create an individual style. This is in turn led to him acquiring a reputation for wearing things only once and for owning more than 70 pairs of shoes. Ben has wardrobes full of clothes, but thinks life would be vastly improved by a dressing room and personal stylist and hairdresser.
The poor student lifestyle does not apply to Ben. Although hefty alimony payments from his father have stopped, Ben works for iN magazine, the trendy glossy in West Essex. Also a clothes model for catalogues and foreign clothes companies, usually featuring in shoots here and abroad. Unlike some men, he is always stylishly dressed, and loves well-paying, do-nothing jobs.
Ben is a fluent speaker of French and speaks with an unfaulted and authentic French accent, thanks to his good education and several periods of time spent in France since childhood. As a sideline, Ben privately tutors affluent people who wish to gain a degree of fluency in the language.
Ben currently resides in Essex, training to become a journalist at Harlow, Essex and is always between work there and in London. He likes to spend time at home with his dog Tia-Alize (aka LaFee or BooBoo) who is also bilingual.
Ben has never had an extensive love life. A side not really seen of Ben. Ben is known to flirt with anyone, especially at parties but draws a line between playful flirting and actual relationships.Recently Ben is rumoured to have become quite close with a Belgian girl. Ben is however planning to return to Belgium to visit her during the summer of 2007 and the pair have planned to visit Germany and the Netherlands together during that time.
Ben is usually content with how he looks, although he says there exist two people he is jealous of owing to their looks: Andrew Hayden Smith and a lad called Martin who works in Loughton Woolworths.
Ben is famed and easily recognised by many as being part of the "Ben and Jen" contingent. Jen being his closest friend. They are such good friends and have achieved such popularity as a duo that they are hardly ever seen apart at social events and university. This relationship usually results in hilarious, albeit dysfunctional, behaviour and over-the-top humour. Both are very talented in creating new nasty words to describe other people besides "bastards, "bitches" and "cunts".
Ben loves to travel. He has on average five holidays a year, either here or overseas. He enjoys spending some summers at his home in Colera, Spain for three weeks during August. He has several friends scattered around Europe and likes to spend lenghty periods of time with them. His passion is France, where he plans to emmigrate when married, to start a family.
Ben is known to be quite outspoken and sometimes abrasive especially when arguing or debating a subject, with good diction to explain himself and air his views with the heart of a middle class politician. He currently writes a column called Issues That Really Matter.

Ben swears a lot. It is more of an annoying habit that shows how tough he is. He speaks a little bit more posh-like normally, but when he's angry or annoyed there's no end to his swearwords.
Ben feels strongly about cruelty to animals.
Ben enjoys a large busy social life, with friends all over the country, notably in Essex. He is popular with many crowds and is a recognisable face on the social scene. Usually seen with an entourage when on location, wearing the finest clothes, envied and admired by others. His distinct laugh is easily recognised by others.He is dedicated to his social status, ingratiating himself with others he considers to be his social equals.Ben is rarely seen mixing with the working class chav population, whom he despises and claims to be "the sad future of Britain".
Ben once completing University plans to go backpacking around Europe next summer for a month with his Belgian partner.

My Interests

1987, Alcohol, ambiguity and ambivalence, anti-romance, autofellatio, being me, bitchiness, bluntness, books, car number plates, channel 4, cheek, chocolate, collecting carrier bags, computers, clubbing, counter-culture, creative writing, one-way cam sex, doing stuff, dialect, dinner parties, drama, drawn together, english, enjoying life, essex, fashion, fake names, free drinks, french, france, fine wines, films, geek, genuine, good friends, good weather, heaven, heatwaves, irony, internet at all hours, jokes, language, life, lightening, london, make-believe, maturity, midnight snacks, money, morning after, music, parties, pets, placebo, politics, posing, pricks dying, rain, randomosity, reading, rudeness, sarcasm, satire, sci-fi, six in a bed, sex, sexuality, the Sims, singing to my mp3 in public, shopping, something, something cool, something new, something rude, spending all my money, sunglasses, swimming, teachers, london borough of Kensington, the number 4, theft, wikipedia

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile with !

Two people I admire: Prince William. The man is my ultimate role model!

Euan Blair for his business sense although he knows I dont agree with his father! LOL

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Placebo, The Smiths, Savage Garden, Manic Street Preachers, Depeche Mode, Muse, The Killers, Morrissey, Kasabian, Kanye West, Hard-Fi, Coldplay, The Corrs, Moby, Travis, Razorlight, Madonna, The Bravery, Garbage, David Guetta, The Verve, Keane, Basement Jaxx, Chemical Brothers, New Order, Cher, No Doubt and various others in my collection- indie, dance/techno and classic 80s and 90s pop.


My favourite film of all time which greatly inspired me to travel is The Beach.

Ive read the novel but I think the film is just as good. Brilliant film.

Spirited Away, Armageddon, Edward Scissorhands, Ghost in the Shell, Taxi 1 & 2, Trainspotting, 28 days later, Scary Movies 1 2 3, Amelie, The Ring, Cruel Intentions, Jumanji, Saw 1 2 3, Airplane, The Fifth Element, La Haine, Howls Moving Castle, Willow, American Pie 1 2, Forest Gump, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Wizard of Oz, Sleepy Hollow, Final Destination 1 2, Borat, Road Trip, Shaun of the Dead, Terminator 1 2, Toy Story, Stand by me, The Shining, White Chicks, Grease, Star Wars films, Beauty and the Beast, Batman films, Dr No, From Russia with love, Goldeneye, Resident Evil,


I don't watch a lot, but I am currently enjoying the French drama/thriller Spiral on BBC FOUR. Ive seen it already and am awaiting the second series.

Sad but true, I am looking forward to this summer's Big Brother installment! Indeed all other telly is out of the window!


Currently reading non-fiction A Rough Guide to the Netherlands, Germany and Greece. Reading up for my upcoming holidays to these countries this summer.


My Mother!