Someone somewhere said some things that may have sparked some sympathy
But don't believe a word you've heard about me
Apparently Twitter isn't just a sex position. I thought I'd see what its all about/if anyone cares... we'll see...
follow clayandsss at
My name is Clay
I tend to think of myself as a "Swell Dood"
I'm addicted to sobriety
I'm an enthusiast of taco bell and music, but not in that order
I kick open doors whenever possible
I Record bands at MACE RECORDINGS
Work at SPENCERS GIFTS at brookfield square mall
Promote the local music scene by helping ECHO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP
Compulsively CAPITALIZE AND LINK things
And I hang out with my best friends 24/7
At the end of the day, all I REALLY wanna do is scream, write lyrics and tour in SLEEP SERAPIS SLEEP
Anything else you need to know just ask cha cha!
Ean Smith's Quote of the Month
"Praise be to Allah"