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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'd like to prove to my carnivorous friends that vegetarians can be ripped too!!! ;) ... There used to be a time when watching a bunch of Southerners jump into their car through the windows used to be the funnest, when running around for no reason at a pre-girls-have-kooties stage just made sense. Gradually as we filled our minds with "knowledge", suddenly the same situations bring us to think about the about the feasibility of the General Lee achieving sufficient acceleration to overcome gravitational pull, about the conversion of adenoside-tri-phosphate in the mitochondial layer of cells to propel the femur, tibia, and fibula and attached muscular systems to ever greater speeds. Yes, we have knowledge. But, who is the smarter one? ... My bestest friend and roommate from College is getting married. John left an indelible impact on my personality and approach to life (think holiday cards and surprise anniversary parties!). But, this time, he has raised the standards of men to another degree. Check out his wedding page - http://www.jbwei.com/carrieandjohn/ - which I am honored to be a groomsmen to and would be hardpressed to match only halfway if I had the privilege to, what he has pulled off this time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We work, we study, we eat, our friends move on to the next episode, sunday comes and as we just begin to savor our moment of slumber another sunday returns in what seems like a blink. They say there are certain moments in life that time stands still. Who will find me this magical elixir that I yearn for.

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