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About Me

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About Me
What Is Your Favorite........
Color Red
Pizza Pan Supreme w/o Mushrooms or Onions
Cereal Cookie Crisp
Snack Chewy Chips Ahoy or Xtra Sharp Cheese
Ice Cream Chocolate Marshmallow
Alcoholic Beverage Fuzzy Navel
Non Alcoholic Beverage Pibb Xtra or Chocolate Malt
Restaurant Outback Steakhouse or Applebee..'s
Place To Shop Lowe..'s or Menards
TV Show Medium or any Law & Order series
Movie Finding Nemo. I still love the kid movies
Song Grillz; at the moment
Musician/Group Van Halen/Will Smith
Actor/Actress Will Smith
Comedian Ron White
Athlete Still Michael Jordan
Season Summer
Holiday Christmas
Place You Have Visited Niagara Falls
Some Random Questions......
How Many States Have You Been To? 24, but I havn..'t seen gulf or either ocean.
How Many Foreign Countries Have You Been To? Just Canada
How Many Concerts Have You Been To? En Vogue/Luther Vandross, Michael Bolton, Janet Jackson, Boyz 2 Men
How Many Pets Do You Have? A 55 Gallon Saltwater Reef Aquarium
What Foods Do You Dislike The Most? Liver and Onions
Have You Ever Had Any Braces? On my teeth when I was in high school
Have You Had Any Near Death Experiences? Hit a patch of ice at 55 mph heading into an s curve. Came within inches of hitting telephone pole. Only thing that saved me was snow filled ditch. Car grabbed the snow and escaped with nothing more than a minor scratch on side mirror.
Do You Have Asthma or Allergies? Asthma and Environmental Allergies
Do You Have Any Piercings or Tattoos? No and I don..'t want any
Do You Still Believe In Santa Claus? He does exist
Have You Ever Been.........
Bunjee Jumping No and I have no interest in doing so
White Water Rafting No, but I would love to
Mountain Climbing No, not sure if I would if given a chance
Sky Diving No, no way in h___.
Bull Riding (Live or Mechanical) No, but would love to
Scuba Diving No, but would if given a chance
Snorkeling No, but this is number one on my list of things I want to do.
Stay at Home/Go Out Stay at Home
Chocolate/Vanilla Chocolate
Hamburger/Hot Dog Hamburger
Beer/Hard Liquor Hard Liquor
Sweet/Sour Sweet
Warm/Cold Warm
Day/Night Night
Sunrise/Sunset Sunset
Glasses/Contacts Glasses, but haven..'t had any since jr. high school
Cubs/Cardinals Cubs
Bears/Packers Bears
Star Wars/Star Trek Star Trek
Your Random Thoughts.......
Abortion should only be allowed under certain circumstances.
Same Sex Marriage Don..'t believe in it.
Gun Control We need more of it
God I am a believer.
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!

Connor's favorite game of Peek A Boo, Kimi's favorite Care Bears,& my wife has this thing for ducks...

My Interests

I love aquariums, especially saltwater(I have a 55 Gallon reef tank I am currently working on). Someday I hope to turn this passion into a business. I am a sports junkie (mainly college hoops;Go Illini & Dukies or Chicago style; Bulls,Bears,and especially the Cubs). I participate in a fantasy baseball league and play on a softball team in our city's league.


Herban Media's Myspace Tools

Sami's favorite singer...


Finding Nemo is pretty high on my list of favorite movies (It's the fish)

Shrek is another favorite


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I do not read unless I need help, only then do I consult instruction manual.

My Blog

Week That Was........

What a week it has been since my last blog. As you all know already, there was an incident with a wild turkey. The turkey won. I had to replace the windshield in the van and the turkey was never found...
Posted by Marcus on Fri, 19 May 2006 07:46:00 PST


We had a double header tonite. I think we doubled our total runs scored for the whole season during our first game. It was around 15. The wind played havoc with our pitchers the whole game. I think we...
Posted by Marcus on Thu, 11 May 2006 08:10:00 PST

Mother's Day

For my first blog......Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14th. I thought I would give all the mother's that might read this their dues, especially my wife who is a proud mother of many. In order to do so I ...
Posted by Marcus on Mon, 08 May 2006 09:11:00 PST