With over 90% of San Sebastian's resources and wealth controlled by the pharmaco-corporate city-state Alkema, Himmelwright and Palihar-- directed from their eponymous walled city in the island's north-- masses of Unaffiliated refugees living in the southern shantytown of Sukha Balka form a tenuous alliance with the Maruko Nation New-Indigenous Movement of Engualichaban (Movimento IndÃgeno Novo de Engualichaban-- MINE). Together, they hope to carve out some land, resources and wealth of their own. But as hundreds of Maruko farmers begin to vanish from the Maruko-Palihari borderlands and a sudden epidemic of drug addiction blamed on Unaffiliated traffickers claims scores of young Palihari employee-citizens, tensions on San Seb reach an all-time high. In the ensuant battle of ideas, ethics, art, bullets, business, religion, and science, all three sides must come to grips with the realities of their new world, and-- just as importantly-- with the meanings of their own tangled histories.
The story is told through archival radio broadcasts, indigenous prose, photographs and articles by local and international journalists, folk songs, public emails, transcripts, pamphlets, letters, websites, songs, Sebastiani art, archaeological artifacts from the island, and various histories by eminent scholars, thinkers and intellectuals both public and private.
.. EPISODE 1: E.I.L.C. Radio
Cast of Characters ..
Michel Michale: A traveling audio reporter for bookedDOWN phoenix news service, Montreal-born Michel's impressionistic journalism is well-known by radio and MESMO listeners on both sides of every wall.
Uli Appleprize: E.I.L.C Radio junior news editor, Sukha Balka native Uli employs NPR-Style in her broadcasting efforts. Uli is also the younger sister of E.I.L.C. senior news editor Esther Appleprize.
Hondajayne: Spaceborne host of new-age radio show Headlines and Lifelines, Hondajayne employs the rare and disorienting P.M.-Pacifica-Style in her broadcasting efforts.
Radioguru: All-purpose Sebastiani holistic hustler and wannabe L. Ron Hubbard. Suspected of involvement with a predatory Sukha Balkan AYTO'ES cult called the more important adapter of the world. Frequent guest on Headlines and Lifelines.
Lucienne Apikalia: A 12-year-old Engualichabani refugee, musician and artist. Lucienne's moving musical dramas and inventive break-reconstructions have set off a wave of innovation in the Engualichabani Spackled Breaks community.
Midas: Engualichabani refugee, activist, rapper and artist. An ex-AYTO'ES addict and widely-recognized master of Ancient and Spackled Breaks, Midas teaches Georgia Boxing at the Sukha Balka E.I.L.C. Youth Boxing Program.
Caller One: Brooklynist migrant farm worker in Engualichaban.
Caller Two: AYTO'ES-addicted singer-songwriter in Sukha Balka.
Esther Appleprize: E.I.L.C. Radio senior news editor. Born to British refugees on San Sebastian, Esther employs BBC-Style in her broadcasting efforts. Esther works for E.I.L.C along with her younger sister Uli, the station’s junior news editor.
Reiner Schwantzherz: Foreign Relations Officer of Sebastiani pharmaco-corporate sovereign Alkema, Himmelwright, and Palihar ZLC-S.
Music Pirate: Anglo-Brooklynist music pirate in port at Sukha Balka.
Second Music Pirate: Anglo-Brooklynist music pirate in port at Sukha Balka
Tower Bear: Maruko aytero and great-great-great grandson of revered miner and Maruko Nation founder Urso Da Torre. A veteran of the guerilla wars that raged on the Maruko-Palihari border over 30 years ago, Tower Bear is a close friend of Matxalen Kitya and high on the AHP Human Liability List.
Olssen: Putingradi expatriate, fixer and translator on San Sebastian. With close ties to the Maruko Nation, the E.I.L.N, the agro-state of Putingrad and the executiveship of AHP, Olssen is a quiet but serious player on the Sebastiani political stage.
..--Episode ETA Aug 8, 2008-- ..