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Serj Tankian, coRey TayloR, cHad MicHaeL muRray, DeRyck wHibLey, JonatHan DaVis of KoRn(he rOcks!!)
+syStem of a doWn +koRn +NicKeLbaCk +SlipknoT +stAtic-X +chEveLLe +inCubuS +niGhtwiSh +diStuRbed +iLL niNo +foR my pAin.. +raMmstein +n0 dOuBt +MurdeRdolls +sTory oF tHe yeAr +CKY +nOfX +cOal chAmber +suM 41 +CKY +36 CraZyfist + aNd bla bla bla bla...
MalCoM In THe MidDle, My WiFe aNd KidS, C.s.I miAmi, One TreE HiLL, mTv, C.S.I MiaMi, As toLd bY ginGer, ALiaS, sMaLLviLLe, KiM pOssiBle, tHe aPprenTice, aMeriCa's neXt tOp moDel, taBle fOr twO (diE cuCuk sTraw daLam hiDung)
my school text books..