Wrist Restraints profile picture

Wrist Restraints

Proud to be part of the Mermaid Moshpit

About Me

Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests

postcards, ice bergs, robot poems, pumpkin patches, phone calls with squids, polka dot dresses, watching N'Sync movies with Meri and Gin on weekends, field trips, The Get Down, Scrabble, Lasagna, skirts, Hotdog stands, yellow dresses, the oriental theater, continental breakfast waffle makers, chicken nuggets, stripes, cephlopod sex poems, borrowing images , walking and not getting blisters , cameras , girlscout cookies, trivia night at The Britt Inn, book shelves, bus transfers, spying, the genre "things that make you go mmmm", decorative cotton spiderwebs, warm rooms in winter, leggings.....

I'd like to meet:

the bodies of heavy readers...the pigeon that lives outside my new apartment coooing like love all day long...the person who made the red tent at the LIB Fest....people who can rid my apartment of bats...


Today? The Decemberists


Today? The Heros DVD Season One


LOST AND Fat Medium


Alaskaphrenia-Christine Hume, John Fante,The Heart's Core is a Suitcase-Lisa Fishman, Sappho! A Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing, Strange Stories from Alaska and the Ukon, 6X6, Lampblack & Ash-Simone Muench, Oh the Glory of it All, Bleeding Optomist-Mary Burger, Harmless Medicine-Justin Chin, The Body in Pain, Elizabeth Bishop books, Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls, Rules of the House-Dhompa, Waltzing Matilda by Alice Notley....


Right now? Allie Sheedy and Julie Andrews

My Blog

Paper murder

There are too many and not enough paper types in the city of Milwaukee. I spent at least ten hours of my life trying to satisfy the paper needs of an upcoming bookmaking workshop at the Woody P. I am ...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST

My Woody P blog post

Here is my first blog post for the Woody P blog. Karl was nice enough to invite me to blog along with him. we'll see if he approves of it:)Orange Girl, a new chapbook by Simone Muench, was just put on...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 02:41:00 PST

just a shorty

Hola poetry and j-nuts lovers!I wanted to let you all know that Arsenic Lobster is FINALLY up with my poem!Here is the link: http://arseniclobster.magere.com/1content.htmlIt is the current issue.I am ...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:04:00 PST

My house is warm

I am in a rambling mood, I apologize now for it. So the housewarming party has taken place and my stomach is still in bed. The party went well, but I couldn't sleep last night after all was said and d...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:36:00 PST

Wicked Poems

To all my friends,I wanted to let you know that some of my work is now available on two online literary journals.I have three new poems in Wicked Alice, a Chicago journal that specializes in poetry by...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:31:00 PST

A poem for Emily Hall

This poem has been sitting around in piles of electronic and physical papers for over a year now. It has haunted me as does Emily. I still like the original title "dollops of paintballs in your hair" ...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:00:00 PST

in a sea

I am in search of new projects. As of yesterday I have been itching for new and exciting craft-ish projects. I feel like even when sitting down, (on my new to me couch), and watching mindlessness I ne...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Sun, 27 May 2007 10:22:00 PST

Book Review: Two Kinds of Arson

Hola Friends!So I had to write a review for Woody P's space in the Currents. All staffies wrote one. I love this book! read my review then read the book:)Two kinds of ArsonBrandi HomanDancing Girl Pre...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:20:00 PST


I just returned from the Edible Book Show at UWM, which I had a book in. I have to say people why weren't you there? It was really fun and a great idea. I am stuffed full of books. For those of you wh...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:50:00 PST

heavy breathing

sickness status:My respiratory area hurts when I breathe and I cough and it hurts moreI wonder why your body hurts for the lengths of time it does and what exactly cures it...Is it the rest of mind or...
Posted by Wrist Restraints on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST