Am bout 5'11' an 1/2 or suttin random (i WILL be 6ft 1 day!), av got sum pretty big hair like, an i tend 2 stik a hairband in it (cant deal wiv avin a fringe) green/hazel eyes, mixed-race an de lightest of light-skinned folk u eva did c, all year tan shall we say? :) proud, of ALL my heritage: English, Jamaican, Scouse, Chorley...ish? ALL OF IT! HA! Incredible dress sense as anyone who knows me will tell you ;) both ears pierced, er...i get a lot of stick 4 wearin me pants wer i wear dem do but DAT is me!
Am opinionated as anyfin, always suttin 2 say (an its usually suttin intelligent...i'd like 2 fink) an am always up 4 a discussion/argument, haha, but i DON'T get angry! Takes quite a bit 2 wind me up am usually chilld, "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" haha, kno wa i mean.
Into my music: Soul, R&B, Grime, Niche, Bassline, 4x4, Hip-Hop, Garage, Dancehall, Reggae, Drum an Bass, Dance (non of dat scouse house palava), Funk, Jazz, Blues, a bit of Classical on de snid an a cheeky bit of dat Indie/Rock business dusnt go amiss nither! All kinds really, nefin good wiv a beat an tune an i'll listen to it (almost)
Ama singer 2. LOVE 2 sing, giz a mic an a stage i'll show u how its dun, get me. I want sum kind of career in music so am in de process of doin music performance (with a cheeky bit of music tech) at the London College of Music (Hustled me way in, get 2 kno abaar my personal statement) bt no idea wer am headed after like, jus wanna b involved in music!
Bt yer, at de moment my life basically consists of:
-Singing & Writing.
-"Bustin' up a fat 1 on tha coh-ner".
-A Cheeky Double Burger Wiv Cheese.
-Drinkin & den Shockin' the f**k out.
-Tryna heal my stupid shoulder.
-Looking for a suitable female (all applications considered).
-Bein' a LONELY SCOUSER in London.
-Chattin' s**t.
-Generally bein' a idiot.
[email protected] me, u wont regret it! The Artist Formerly Known as:Pyramid!!
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