DRAWING and thats bout it I lead no interesting life I hang with my friends when I get the chance of course, but those moments are rare (SOUND LAME?) I DON'T GIVE A DEAD MOOSES LAST SHIT!!! I aint out to empress anyone nor do I care what you think of me, unless it's positive thens THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANX
A proud Catholic woman with a refined mustache and child bearing hips, Or the infamous Lampasas Airstrip chick. Oh And eventually My GOOD FRIEND GOD! cause if I ever see him I know my life was what it's meant to be
I hate afi, green day, hawthorn heights, and all american rejects(FALL OUT BOY REMOVED DUE TO THE END OF STUBBORNESS). I do However like Stormlord, John Mayer, Bloodhound Gang, The Bravery, and Caroline's Spine, (FALL OUT BOY ADDED DUE TO THE END OF STUBBORNESS)
Crash was awsome, Juice that's a good one & of course Bible Black.
My favorite show ever is MST3K Mystery Science Theatre 3000 .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. too bad it was cancelled due to low ratings danm ya'll lazy bastards wake up @ 8:00am 7 central only on the Scifi channel it was the only good show on there gees, Roko's modern life is a good show but stupid big fat Nickleodeon started showing crap 1st KENNEN & KEL was good now drake & josh thens ANGRY BEAVERS kik'd ass now danny phantom but still other shows I like are Monk aaannnddd thats it.I really don't watch TV or play games anymore. But the games I have played include ahhhhhhhhh who gives a shit
Don't have no favorite books cause of my great grammar so this yeah whatever.I do however read some cool crap from the Darwin Awards.H.C.E. is a mental condition that which if you think too hard your head literally explodes to tiny bits of blood and brain matter. OH and I'm gonna have to say (even if it sound's COCKY) "The EMOLICIOUS TALES of DAMNY & The DEMONS" is one of my favorite books, even though it's more of a comic
My Heroes include anyone who felt depress but looked towards the future and thought "High School aint the end of your life................you Homosexual"