!¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! profile picture

!¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦!

Everyone is entitled to MY opinion

About Me

I recently moved back to Arcata from LA AGAIN (long story). I am currently getting my teaching credential and masters at HSU and will teach high school and / or college chemistry in two years.I love waving at people who aren't actually waving at me but at a person behind me; love to travel, love an occasional dive bar crawl, love the outdoors and all sports, love to cook and go to sushi bars, love to speak my mind - especially when getting going about something I'm passionate about...
I hate it when you run into someone and say goodbye but you're going the same way as them and it's awkward. I hate it when the hot water runs out when I'm in the shower (and this happens every morning). I hate fake drawers like under sinks, and when you talk excitedly about something and the person you're talking to just says "I guess that's cool" with very little enthusiasm. Another thing I hate - fake wood in fireplaces. What is the world coming to?
In my spare time I enjoy raging against the machine, looking both ways before crossing the street, and signing unsuspecting friends up for subscriptions of magazines; Oh also, I eat so much shrimp I get iodine poisoning thanks to my three-6 Mafia homies.
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before. I have experienced a lot of life for my age because I've made so many mistakes. I can get along with just about anybody because there are so many things that I am into. I can be either very quiet or very loud.Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full, I say, are you going to drink that?

My Interests

Science and nutrition, Sports and games, Somersaulting naked through thorn bushes, Politics, the outdoors, Poker, Traveling, Cooking, Teaching, Learning, Camping, Trivia, and love being lazy and doing absolutely nothing.
Nerd Alert: I actually enjoy math, physics, chemisty, philosophy, history, & literature (even if this doesn't always show)

I'd like to meet:

Good Peoples of ALL types


All music, especially weird stuff: Del Tha Funky Homo Sapien, Jimi Hendrix, Buju Banton, Led Zeppelin, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, Hieroglyphics, Jurassic 5, Sublime,

The Doors, Beat Junkies, Gang Starr, NOFX, 2PAC, Dick Dale, Erykah Badu, Outkast, too many to name


My favorites are: Where the Buffalo Roam, Half-Baked, Waking Life, Baraka, Swingers, Office Space, Ace Ventura, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, all old James Bond flicks, Grandma's Boy, Groundhog Day, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Wayne's World, American Psycho, Apocalypse Now, Friday, Rounders.


Jeopardy, South Park, Married with Children reruns, Chapelle's Show, Adult Swim, Da Ali G Show, Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Food Network;.. .. ..


Ishmael, People's History of the United States, The Tao of Physics, The Great Train Robbery, anything by Aldous Huxley (particularly Brave New World, Doors of Perception, and Island), George Orwell books, Ray Bradbury, J.D. Salinger.


Einstein, Corky Carroll, Jimi Hendrix, Mozart, The Guy who invented Patron, and Fred Savage

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My Blog

The truth about trans-fats

The evil fat known as trans fatty acids (or, more commonly, "trans fat") has been getting quite a bit of bad press lately, and deservedly so; however, recent regulations designed to give you the impre...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:37:00 PST

Ford Eulogy Should Tell Of The East Timor Massacre

Ford Eulogy Should Tell Of The East Timor Massacreby Judith MoriartyRense / December 29, [email protected] nation will be subjected to six days of watching a corpse being dragged around t...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST

Foreign Policy contradiction - Venezuela & Pakistan

Call Me Crazy - Rice Blasts Venezuela's Chavez Versus Pakistan takes TV stations off airby Stephen P. PizzoTuesday, 05 June 2007First let me reassure you - you aren't crazy. At least I don't think you...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:18:00 PST

Cell phones wiping out bees ... and brain cells

Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious 'colony collapse' of bees By Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross Published: 15 April 2007 It...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:34:00 PST

The Science and Politics of Cancer

The Science and Politics of Cancer, G. Edward Griffinhttp://www.guba.com/watch/3000037172  ...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST

If it ain't Islamic, then it ain't terrorism

The coverage in the Feb 13 Sydney Morning Herald was typical: Gunmen in separate US incidents today have randomly killed a number of shoppers in [a] mall and directors in a boardroom.We had multiple ...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 09:58:00 PST

South America: Toward an Alternative Future by Noam Chomsky

Published on Saturday, January 6, 2007 by the International Herald TribuneSouth America: Toward an Alternative Futureby Noam ChomskyLast month a coincidence of birth and death signaled a transition fo...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:32:00 PST

Torture Is at the Heart of America's War on Terror

From: The Guardian (U.K)Published on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 by the Guardian / UKRoutine and Systematic Torture Is at the Heart of America's War on TerrorIn the fight against cruelty, barbarism and...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST

Rot in hell Pinochet

December 11, 2006The Atrocities of Gen. Augusto Pinochet and the United StatesThe Condor ModelBy ROGER BURBACHIn Santiago on September 11, 1973 I watched as Chilean air force jets flew overhead. Momen...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST

The Dollar Is Dying

From: Information Clearing HouseA Weaker Dollar and a Receding US InfluenceKamel Wazneh Al-Hayat - 08/12/06//Central banks worldwide began discarding the dollar in favor of the euro in an attempt to m...
Posted by !¦[Herr SCHèLL]¦! on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:28:00 PST