hôþ£ profile picture


Damn this shit hurts like hell...

About Me

? Cuz I'm hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today, Take this music and use it Let it take you away, And be hopeful (hopeful) and he'll make a way I know it ain't easy but that's okay. ?TOP TEN REASONS WHY PEOPLE DISLIKE ME... 10.Because they are haters.
9.They wanna be me!
8.Because they are haters.
7.They can't handle the truth.
6.Because they are haters.
5.I got the nigga they wanted.
4.Because they are haters.
3.I'm confident with myself.
2.Because they are haters

My Interests

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Trina Michelle Greene
Birthday:: October 22nd
Birthplace:: Fresno, California
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color:: Honey Blonde
Height:: 5'4"
Weight:: 155 lb
Right handed or Left handed?: righty
Your Heritage:: African-American
My Worst Habit:: Jealousy
Zodiac Sign:: Libra
Shoe Size:: 9
Pants Size:: 6
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Parents Still Together?: Nope
The Shoes You Wore Today:: White Flip Flops
Your Weakness:: Cheesecake
Your Fears:: Failure
Your Perfect Pizza:: Pepperoni and Black Olives w/ Extra Cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Get My License Straight
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:: what time it is
Your Best Physical Feature:: My Smile
Your Bedtime:: Whenever I fall Asleep
Your Most Missed Memory:: ionno
Favorite color?: Turquoise
Food?: Chinese
Sport?: Football
Animal?: Dog
Ice Cream?: Butter Pecan
Candy?: Starburst
Store?: JcPenny
Salad Dressing?: Ranch
Actor?: ionno
Song?: Fuck Them Niggaz by Pastor Troy
Letter?: T
Number?: 7
Gum?: Big Red
Holiday?: Thanksgiving
Season?: Spring
Toothpaste Flavor?: Crest Expressions Vanilla
Radio Station?: 92.1
Perfume?: Victoria's Secret
Scent besides perfume?: Soap
Body part on the opposite sex?: Chest
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Myself
How Do You Want To Die?: the way God wants me to
Turn ons:: Honesty, Sense of Humor
Turn offs:: Wannabe Thugs
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Me
Who's The Loudest?: Me
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Gavyn
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Myself
Who's The Shyist?: Ionno
When Have You Cried The Most?: When? I don't know
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being in Love
Worst Feeling?: Failure
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: I'm Grown and I still dont know
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: I'm too paranoid at times
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: A while
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: hos go
Why can't we: just get along
Silly, little: rabbit. Trixs are for kids.
Isn't it weird that: u're weird
Never under any circumstance: would i date you
I wish: u'd shut up
Everyone has a: life. Do you?
I am: me.
Been In Love?: Yeah
Been To Juvie?: Yeah
Mooned Someone?: yeah
Been Rejected?: yeah
Ran Away From Home?: nope
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yup
Skipped School?: yup
Thought About Suicide?: yup
Slept Outside?: yup
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yup
Cried In School?: yup
Thrown Up In School?: yup
Wanted To Be a Model?: yup
Cheated On Someone?: nope
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yup
Seen A Dead Body?: yup
Been Bitched Out?: nope
Drank Alcohol?: yup
Smoked?: yup
Been On Drugs?: nope
Eaten Sushi?: yup
Been On Stage?: yup
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope
Shoplifted?: yup
Been Drunk?: yup
Been Called A Tease?: yup
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Swear?: yup
Sing Well?: yup
Shower Daily?: yup
Want To Go To College?: yup
Want To Get Married?: yup
Believe In Yourself?: yup
Get Motion Sickness?: nope
Think You Are Attractive?: yup
Get Along With Your Parents?: yup
Like Thunderstorms?: yup
Play An Instrument?: nope
Own An IPOD?: yup
Pray?: yup
Go To Church?: yup
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: nope
Keep A Journal/Diary?: yup
Dance In The Rain?: nope
Sing In The Shower?: yup
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: mcdonalds
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: meat
TV or Movie?: movie
Guitar or Drums?: drums
Adidas or Nike?: nike
Chinese or Mexican?: chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: cheerios
Cake or Pie?: cake
MTV or VH1?: mtv
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Do The Splits?: nope
Write With Both Hands?: nope
Whistle?: yup
Blow A Bubble?: yup
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: nope
Cross Your Eyes?: nope
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yup
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: nope
Dance?: yup
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: yup
You Touched:: Gavyn
You Talked To On The Phone:: Mom
You Instant Messaged:: Marcus
You Hugged:: Gavyn
You Yelled At:: Gavyn
You Played A Sport With:: uh..
Time You Laughed?: Just now
Time You Cried?: this weekend
Movie You Watched?: stomp the yard
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: big red
Joke You Told?: ionno
Song You've Sung?: ionno
Where Are You?: in the bed
What Can You See Out Your Window?: trees
Are You Listening To Music?: yup
What Are You Wearing?: my roca wear nightie
What's On Your Mousepad?: nothin
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yup
Do you believe in miracles?: yup
Magic?: nope
Love at first sight?: yup
God?: yup
Satan?: nope
Ghosts?: nope
Santa?: nope
Evolution?: nope
Fav Eye Color:: dark
Fav Hair Color:: dark
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: not obese
Best Clothing Style:: athletic
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Australia
Number Of CD's I Own:: too many
Your Good Luck Charm:: dont have one
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Do you drink milk?: no
Person You Hate Most:: ionno
Most Outdated Phrase:: oh
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: in the ground
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 3
What is something scientists need to invent?: ionno
Are you a health freak?: no
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: ionno
What is the worst weather?: winter
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yeah
How many grades have you failed?: 0
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I'd like to meet:

how do you greet people? I don't greet people...they greet me
do you like meeting new people? Yeah
do you believe in fairytales? To an extent
do you have a favorite movie? Love and Basketball
are you against gay marriage? No
are you in love? Yeah
do you have any gay friends? Yeah
are you emotional? Very
who is your favorite singer? uh..
what is your favorie type of music? R&B
are you loved? Yeah
what is the first thing you look at when u look at a boy? His face..
how many best friends do you have? 1
what is your favorite food? Food
what is your favorite television show? Ummmm...
what do you want to be when you get older? Myself
do you believe in ghost? Yeah lol
have you eaten oreos lately? Nah
do you have a bf/gf? Yeah
if so wut is his/her name? Gavyn
what are you wearing right now? My work clothes..a red form fitted button down shirt and some Khaki colored pants
have you ever smoked? Yah
do you have a diary? Yeah
what kind of boys/girls are you into? The cool ones [lol]
what is your favorite song right now? So Confused by Pretty Ricky
are you listening to any music? Nah not right now
what time is it right now? 9:10pm
do you think you are attractive? Yeah
do you like to cuddle? Yeah
your friends are........ LaLa...Gavyn...My Mom...I have no life...LoL



The phone rings... who do you want it to be? If it aint Gavyn...it aint important
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return the cart? Yeah
During a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Both
Do you take complimets well? VERY!! lol
Do you play Sudoku? Su who?
If abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? nope
Do you like nipple rings? nope
Did you ever go camping as a kid? nope
What was your favourite game as a kid? Chutes & Ladders hahahaha
If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you know he/she was married, what would you do? all i can do is be flattered
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs as you? i dont know
Do you like pursue or being pursued? being pursued lol
Use three words to describe yourself.: Sexy, Hot, Cute
Do any songs make you cry? yeah lol im a sap
Are you continuing your education? No
Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yup
If your house caught on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? My Cellie...
How often do you read books? Very often
Do you think more about the past, present, or future? Future
What's your favourite Children's book? Ne Dr. Seuss book
What colour are your eyes? brown
How tall are you? 5'4"
Did you ever have the earge to go out with the guy/girl your best friend was going out with/liked? no
Have you ever taken a picture in a photo booth? no
When was the last time you were at Elemenrty school? Uh...wheneva i graduated from 5 grade
Where was the furthest place you travelled today? today? To the refrigerator
Do you like mustard? Yeah
Do you perfer sleeping or eating? Uh....don't make me choose!
Do you look like your mom or dad? Mom Dukes
How long do you take in the shower? Too long according to Hubby lol
Can you do the splits? no
What movie do you want to see right now? I Think I Love My Wife
What did you do on New Year's? Spent it with Gavyn :)
Do you think the Grudge is scary? Haha..Yeah
Do you own a camera phone? yeah
Was your mom a cheerleader? No
What's the letter of your middle name? M
How many hours do you sleep a night? bout 6 or 7
Do you like care bears? To an extent
What do you buy at the movies? Popcorn
Do you know how to play poker? No
What do you wear to sleep? Gavyn's Jersey...or au natural lol
Anything big happen in your hometown? Uuuhhh...
Is your tongue piered: No
Do you like lover an onions? No
Are you in love? Yeah
Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny
Ever been to L.A.? Yuppers
Do you visit GoofyAuctions.com daily? No
Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? LOL...no comment
Do you hate chocolate? No
What do you and your parents fight about the most? Life lol
Are you a gullible person? no
LOOK! The ceiling has "gullible" written on it!!!: stupid
If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills), what would it be? the one i have know
Are you easy to get along with? yeah
What's your favourite time of day? early evening
Do you write songs/poems? Poems
Are you an only child? No
Do you listen to hip-hop? Yeah
What is your dream home? A House...DUUUHH!!
Name one person you know that you would want to get married to.: Hmmmm...
Are you single? Nopers
Do you treat others the way you want to be treated? Yeah
Do you and your friends have a lot in common? Yeah
Ever gotten drunk when you were younger? Nah
Do you have a digital camera? Yeah
If you could slap the one person you really hated, who would be the lucky person? Haha......if they know i hate them....they know who they are
Which celeb do you admire? Admiring Celebs...is so 6 grade.
69 Confessions SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz


I am certified:

58% addicted to Myspace
Are you addicted to MySpace?


Have you cursed today? Nah not yet
Yesterday? I think so
Best Friends? Lala
Enemies? uh...
Sprint vs Verizon neither
Favorite Colors turquoise
What are you saving for? a car
Birthday october 22nd
What do you plan on doing tomorrow? going to work
Who do you vent to? myself
Conceited or Confident? confident
Something that makes you mad stupid people
Something that people should know ionno..
Favorite quote uh..


My Blog


If you have a problem with somebody else....do not take all ur anger out on me! Cuz i aint do shit to you. All this family feud bullshit...keep it between urselves..i havent done a damn thing to anybo...
Posted by hôþ£ on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:34:00 PST

Grown Woman Status

I will be officially moved out July 30th. Gavyn can come if he wants to..but i refuse to let his family stress me out. The cable is in my name...i'm the only one whose been payin the bill (no..no one ...
Posted by hôþ£ on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 07:29:00 PST

Truth All Guys Need 2 Know

Took this from Sha's blog ... thought it was something i needed to share with a few people   #1. After an hour of sex, get off it's boring#2.I'm going to ask you questions about how I look in my...
Posted by hôþ£ on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 06:49:00 PST

anything u can do...I can do waaaaaaaaaay better!

If people insist on lyin on me and makin me look bad.... Imma start lyin on them and makin them look HORRIBLE. Neone who knows me [Lissa :)] knows that im reaaaal good at hurtin people's feelings...
Posted by hôþ£ on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:21:00 PST

Happy New Years!

I just went from 168 friends.... down to 48. I'm soo proud of myself
Posted by hôþ£ on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:30:00 PST

I work for the Feds yo!

Ok..remember way back when..bout 3 weeks ago...i said that I had put in for a job within this company so that I could work here permanently and I can leave my temp agency? Well..I just got a call... I...
Posted by hôþ£ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:51:00 PST


Ok..I just saw some stuff that's starting to make me wonder. I really don't wanna go into details..cuz more than likely the person that this is in reference to will read this and I'll have to have a t...
Posted by hôþ£ on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:49:00 PST

Gavyn had flowers delivered to my job...

THEY'RE SOOOOO PRETTY!!! Ive never had a guy have flowers delivered to me. And i have a teddy bear and a balloon that says "I love you".. Oh gosh...they're so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutte!! Everyone at work a...
Posted by hôþ£ on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:53:00 PST

Wish Me Luck!

So.... I just got an e-mail about this job i put in an application for that's here within the company so that I could branch out away from my temp agency and not be under them anymore. Now mind you th...
Posted by hôþ£ on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:36:00 PST

He's My Man...& I'll Do Whatever.........

......Like sit outside in fuckin -4897 degree weather & watch him coach a damn football game. LOL..which is wat i did last night. I think it was like his kids last game of the season or somethin.....
Posted by hôþ£ on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 06:08:00 PST