Ben of Nashdiggity profile picture

Ben of Nashdiggity

I could be rich like a wandering gypsy...

About Me

So I'm walking my twenty-third trip around the sun. I am an artist, I just happen to work with slightly more costly materials than most. I have quite possibly the three coolest cats ever they go by the names Sprokette, Garbanzo and Tesselation. I am drawn to the sound of falling water and I cross my rivers barefoot. I am a compulsive creator and I brew my own beer. I am a gracious host. I collect beautiful moments. I have a staggering respect for people who take the initiative to shape and sculpt the world they live in to be the life they want. I want to put beauty back in the world.

My Interests

Jewlery design, silversmithing, goldsmithing, nature, black smithing, blade smithing, religion, philosophy, Volvos, politics, conservation, photography, yoga, homebrewing, living an orgainc lifestyle, and I piddle in a bit of everything else.

I'd like to meet:

Good people, creators, and world sculptors. If the acronyms Y.O.U. or N.G.U. mean anything to you, or if you've ever heard of the Unity movement you best be dropping me a line. Check out my other myspace page.


Jump Little Children, Blind Melon, Damien Rice, Nick Drake, Jeff Buckley, DMB, Rusted Root, Eve 6, Deep Blue Something, The Verve, The Verve Pipe, just about any early to mid 90's rock, The Cranberries, Seven Nations, The Cheiftans, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Iron and Wine, The Waifs, John Butler Trio, Ani DiFranco, Peace Train, Perfect Thyroid, Format, Counting Crows


The Boondock Saints, Amalie, Donnie Darko, Big Fish, Chocolat, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the.... you spell it, Requiem for a Dream, Run Lola Run


Tv is, after all, the modern day roman coliseum human devastation as mass entertainment and now millions sit jeering collectively cheering the bloodthirsty hierarchy of the patriarchal arrangement. Ani DiFranco


A Stranger in a Strange Land, Dune, Lamb; The Gospel According to Biff: Christ's Childhood Pal, The Incarnations of Immortality, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance, Illusions: the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, All the works of Tolkien.


Jesus, Budha, Ghandi, John Lennon, Maude, Jack Sparrow, and Pete Seeger

My Blog

math sucks

A once unfamiliar feeling washes over me twice a week. I walk into an auditorium and it begins. After the age of about twelve I've been very aware of what goes on inside my body. It comes as no supris...
Posted by Ben of Nashdiggity on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 01:28:00 PST

the falls

The Falls                The sound of falling water has always been a comfort to me.  Through my entire life I've found myself searchin...
Posted by Ben of Nashdiggity on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 05:28:00 PST

if ya really want to know

if you really want my Journal and what not it's at
Posted by Ben of Nashdiggity on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST