anything and everything. excluding the squirrel family.ummm i pretty much adore and love hangin wit this girl... at taco bell... cuz the mini van is hottt*
nice people. mature. non egotistic. friendly. fun. outgoing.*This amazing tree at the sammi and i's spot.
everything you throw at me... band knowledge N/A and more into songs(sometimes not the songname but the verse or line) thedance, Hypnotizethemoon, whathurtsthemost, ainttheleavinkind, crazybitch, makedamnsure, lipsofanangel, dontwantheworldtoseeme, wantto, delilah, backofftakeyouon, clickclickboom, iwannarock, everyrosehasitsthorn, starsarealigned, livelikevampires, writeyoualetter, STUPIDBOY... i could go on and on
ilovemovies! TWOWEEKSNOTICE WEDDINGDATE TRAVELINGPANTS DOWNWITHLOVE CARS are my top 5 movies. love little kid shows, the Shrek's, SharkTales, FindingNemo. love ReeseWitherspoon, JustlikeHeaven, ManintheMoon. i can push through scarey movies though, some good ones CryWolf, Choke, WolfCreek.
CSI: Miami (eric is so adorable) That 70's show (fezz is too cute) Engaged&Underaged (stupid kids) Scrubs (ilovetolaugh) KingOfQueens + GilmoreGirls (thats my life i swear)
ilovetoread! whodunits (iris joahson) romance (nicolas sparks, nora roberts) emeralds and espionage series. and im a nerd... harry potter! (4th is the best so far!)
My family. Ive been through alot these past years and they have always been there by my side as a pick me up. i love them all.