Unlikely to happenJesus (a very distant relative of mine if you believe what you read as was his dad), Peter Osgood (born is the king of Stamford Bridge), Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon and George Harrison, Steve Marriot, Lenin, Beethoven (if anybody could sell me the idea of classical music, maybe he can), Sam Cooke, Joe Strummer and John Peel (and I am sure there are plenty more).Not so unlikely but I am not holding out too much hopePaul Weller, Morrisey, Roman Abramowich (if you are going to tap somebody for a few quid!!), Gianfranco Zola, Paul McCartney, Keith Richards, Tony Benn, The Bees,Edwyn Collins (to congratulate him on the comeback), Georgie Fame, Bob Dylan and Siouxsie Soux. Finally If I could meet Simon Cowell, Sting, George Bush and Bono when I had just four bullets left in my gun the world might be a better place.