Reading, Mountain Biking, Running, Skiing, Camping, Cars, Gardening, Cooking, Shooting guns (cause I've never hunted) and I'm bored now, maybe more later.
I'd like to meet: one, unless they know me or can tell me within 6 degrees of seperation how I'm related to Kevin Bacon.
When it comes to music, I mostly keep it C-O-U-N-T-R-Y. But I generally prefer good music. So, my iPod has anything from Alison Krauss, to Mindy Smith, to Kenny Rogers, to Waylan Jennings, to The Prodigy and Rob Zombie, to Norah Jones and Frank Sinatra. Not to mention, David Crowder Band, Thousand Foot Krutch, Kutless, Chris Tomlin, Jars, Cademan's Call, and we'll round it off with a heavy dose of Rich Mullins. Oooh, can't leave out Sam and Dave, James Brown, Santana, Doobie Brothers, and my own personal man crush, George Strait.
And my latest fave....White and Nerdy
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Generally I like movies, however sometimes they can get on my nerves. Especially when they hype them up and you think they're gonna be good, then you wind up walking out of them. I hate that.
Addicted to CSI (the original), 24, Amazing Race, and Seinfeld. Oh, and any documentary on the military, or history of the US and Abba.
All time favorite is "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis. Currently reading, "This Present Darkness", "Flyboys" and "Cure for the Common Life".See, I like to read
I will dedicate this to real people in my life whom I think are worthy of the title of "hero" I can think of two. My Grandpa and my wife.