~~~A SHORT G.L.O.W HISTORY~~~We are the mods of G.L.O.W (Guinness Lovers Of the World) created by TeRrY with the purpose of being the best online Guinness group anywhere.It all started with Lance, aka "The Douche". He was the mod of a huge Guinness group with over 5,000 members. Well, to put it nicely...he sucked. He never checked on his group and Spammers were everywhere. So Terry finaly had enough and formed Guinness Lovers Of the World which later affectionatly became G.L.O.W, and we have all been going strong ever since.Many consider G.L.O.W their "online pub" and that pretty well sums it up. We have a music player that all active members can request songs for. Also, we are not without our share of competition. The race for free Guinness for life has caused the formation of two factions: B.A.M who is a group of three who always must defend their spot against the forces of D.R.U.N.K.And then we have the G.L.O.Wbot who really doesn't serve any purpose, but what the hell...he's fun. Anyway, that's how G.L.O.W came about.In closing, we don't think we're the best Guinness group in the world...we KNOW we are!!!TeRrY.
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