Member Since: 05/05/2006
Influences: By the look of the profile editing tools it appears as if this bit is supposed to be all about musical influences. OK, so I do have a few of those... let me think... while I'm virtually completely uninterested in either country and western and any derivatives thereof (honourable exception: Hank Williams) or any chart pop since about spring 1983, I'll give a listen to almost anything else and will reserve the right to be influenced by it! Recently I've had a bit of a thing for late 14th century French chansons (amazing stuff, startlingly reminiscent of 20th century classical modernism)... but, getting down to the nitty-gritty, two major ongoing favourites and influences for years have been Frank Zappa and Miles Davis. Miles taught the value of poise, phrasing and use of space in music more than any other musician I've ever run across; Zappa taught me that, despite his own opinion in his later years, you really CAN do almost anything on stage and get away with it provided that you do it with sufficient confidence and enough of an eye to context.In other artistic areas, I'm currently revisiting several of Shakespeare's plays with great delight. It's such a shame that Shakespeare routinely gets thrown at us all in school during our teenage years, with the result that so many are put off him for life: the fact of it is, you have to have bashed around and lived a bit to begin to appreciate the subtlety and plain truth in the way he observed humanity and its foibles. Otherwise, these days I mostly read history and comics - all kinds of history and all kinds of comics.TV? Who has time for it? Not me! I don't object to the medium itself, just to the garbage which is programmed onto it. And if I want news, current affairs and general interest I can get all of those from radio while keeping my eyes and mind free to get on with other things.
Type of Label: Major