flower park, Children, Hip mama, moonlight, water fountain, misty rain, sunglasses, green, marbles, sugar star, an old key I found on the street, secret garden, tinkerbell, black cat, V.I.P. Lounge, old Hotel/Urban Hotel, Tequuuila!(taste yack!!)
people who has beautiful eys..
"cello" my dearest Serena plays.., moon light sonata, Fujiko Hemming, etude, rock&punk, electro, kraftwerk, the faint, TV on the radio, blonde redhead, enon, deerhoof, can, Leonard cohen, dungen, tom waits, CAN, and more.. reccomendations welcome..
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Amelie, The Alice, Momo, the garden state,...
TV, TV, TV,yeah!!! TV
michael ende, Azumi susuki, haruki murakami, picture books, ....
my lovely Bei