free cell, 500+ piece puzzles, books, bubbles, living to make a difference, YNET, experiancing beautiful music, CYC, learning to knit(failing), scrapbooking, spending time with my wonderful friends, FCA, cheering, singing, ice cream at any hour, celebrating birthdays, doodling, stationary bicycling, and I collect black and white cows.
Philippians 2:5-7 In your lives you must think and act like Jesus Christ. Christ himself was like God in everything. But he did not think that being equal with God was something to be used for his own benefit. But he gave up his place with God and made himself nothing.
Phil Whickham, Chris Tomlin, Eisley, Barlow Girl, Chris Rice, Mercy Me, Nicole C. Mullen, Blink 182, Drake, Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw, Alabama, Dave Barnes, Joe Brooks, Casting Crowns.
The Wizard of Oz, Benchwarmers, and of course any of my many Disney Classics on VHS.
The Secret Life of Bees, The Redemption Series, the Firstborn Series, the Sunrise Series, Divine, The Atonment Child, Redeeming Love, Blue Like Jazz, God Called a Girl, A Thousand Tommorrows, A Million Little Pieces(exausting book), Even Now, Salem Falls, and the Bible.
The Story of Two Very Different SistersOne is here, one lives there. One is a little taller than the other. Two different colors of hair, two different outlooks on life, two very different views from their windows. Both have different tommorrows ahead. each is unique in so many ways. Each has seperate destinations and destinctly differents paths to get there. But... For all the things that might be different and unique about them.. these two sisters will always share so much. They will always be the best of family and friends, entwined together, through all the days of their lives. their love will always be special; gentle and joyful when it can be, strong and giving when it needs to be, reminding them, no matter how different their stories turn out... They share the incredibly precious gift of being sisters. I love my Koite!!!