Cullen is a 5 piece that was formed in late October of 2004. The 5 piece consists of the following:
Jon Duch - Guitar/backing Vocals
Matt Rice - Vocals
Jesse Shust - Drums
Ehren Kinast - Bass
Brendon Keye - Guitar
The 5 guys from Cullen bring a fast paced style with that smooth bass line followed by some crazy heart pounding beats of the drums. The combining of 5 different influences to form the style of Cullen. The Maturing of the members aswell as the changes comes a unique sound of their own, providing a high energetic stage presence with their comedic side between songs walk hand in hand to protray the message of the lyrical mind of Matt. They prove to themselves and to the people and fans that they will never quit or give up. These guys are around for awhile, KEEP ON THE LOOK OUT