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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

{}Wow, I havent updated this in like two years! Hey now! Im Derek aka D-Rock, D, Dr. Satan, etc etc. I am a center city denizen of Philadelphia. I am so city I dont own, need, or want, a car. However, I am very country at heart, put some fucking Skynyrd on man! lol, when I do own a vehicle, it is ALWAYS a big, obnoxious jacked up 4x4. Or a vintage muscle car...or an Infinity. Thats it. haha. But seriously, I want to live on top of a mountain someday, on a lake, in one of those killer A frame alpine dillys. Hmmm, to look at me you might not guess I have a big brain, I have two degrees, was accepted for my masters degree and did some advance courses but got tired of school. Ill finish it one day. I taught psychology 101 for a semester! (scary. I know) Dont let that fool you, I am a notorious hell raiser and will drink bourbon to the point it becomes amazing. My interests and tastes are so wide ranging its easier to just ask. Ive done alot in my life, ups and down...Im up for good now! examples : I can fly a plane..and land it. Ive lived in a penthouse with a 4000 dollar fox bedspread. Ive lived in a dingy basement on a futon. Ive owned my own big house with an inground pool. Ive lost said house. Ive been locked up (not OZ soap on a rope styly, but still). I have a BA degree, actually two. Ive owned a nightclub(Abilene, South Street), Ive been to rehab. Ive had a 760 credit score. Ive been a 490. Im godfather to 3 poeple. Ive had it all and lost it. Twice. Ive sold every single item I own except two bags of clothes and moved completley across the country. Ive been engaged. Ive broken more than one heart and have had mine broken semi badly one time and super-tragic-epic-badly once. K, before a massive overshare happens, thats it, lol...What else? I have a small circle of friends that even if I dont see them all the time, they are still my brothers and sisters. I dont let people in easily, but when I do, youre IN. I try and go camping every so often, but dont find the time alot...it is therapy. I can be unpredictable if left to my own devices, but am unfaltering reliable when it comes to my word. I am super duper easy to get along with and WILL make you laugh. Alot :) Oh, know this: I. Heart. Vegas. Im full comp at the GOLDEN NUGGET! Wanna go? I dunno, if ya wanna know anything else, just ask.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

RIP: My pop(meet again anyway), SR fn V, Jim, GG A, Duane A, Jimi, John L, Johnny C and Syd and Sid. Cliff Burton, Dime, both FRANKS, Zappa and Sinatra...Many more.... .AS FOR THE LIVING: If you dont suck, step up to the plate and take a swing. I prefer to hang out with people who arent completly wasted on drugs and have something to say about something. Artistic people. Interesting people. Ambitious people. I lost my bar becasue of an alcoholic, so Im very wary of them and can spot them a mile away... You a drunk? I can deal! Have fun buddy! An alchy? I have to say "good day".LADIES: What I like varies widley, as I am more interested in someone smart and ineteresting. I like people with their own look/style. What the mainstream considers beautiful is not necessarily my definition...Fairuza Balk smokes, say, Pamela Anderson.Im of the opinion I might be irrecoverly broken. Id like that to be fixed. Im not holding my breath, however. MUSE...STAT!
Snow Globe Toy & MySpace Layouts at pYzam.com

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My Blog

cosi cosi

Im doing as well as Ive ever have, the last three years have been bru-tal. Now Ive made the best decision Ive made in awhile, I got out of the same ol same ol environment of South Philly, which I stil...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 20:05:00 GMT

"Rap Chop" featuring Vince (Steve Porter's Slap Chop remix)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWRyj5cHIQA The best video ever made. ever.
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 19:47:00 GMT

TRANSITION/Tasty blog rips give you the munchies

Well after much deliberation and hand wringing on my part, I decided to get off the road. In case you didnt know, my primary means of income has been travelling around the country as an independent co...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 20:58:00 GMT

Fuck The World. A classic rant for YOU.

You will somehow feel better after you read this.   I don't care what colour you are. I don't care where you're from. I don't care what you do for a living. I don't care what class you are, how y...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 22:29:00 GMT


UPDATE : Now a combo ABILENE/DIX reunion along with general MAYHEM! Time for Dr. Satan's traveling circus to move again. Sigh. ABILENE, down for the count! I was going to do a monthly showcase at WHIS...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 23:04:00 GMT

Long live the SPECTRUM

If they tear down the Spectrum, I am just about done thinking Philadelphia is a "cool" city. Like it ever was... The city is so self conscious and feels so inferior to NYC, DC and Boston that it conti...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:39:00 GMT

Philadelphia has no neart and this fact kills the local music scene

You will read this and you will like it. The truth hurts, but take it like a prisoner and know it to be true and your reality.If PHILLY were really a hip and up and coming music scene/city whatever......
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:52:00 GMT

State of Music scene in Philadelphia

Ok, the Philadelphia music scene was on its way up this time a year ago, or so it seemed. Abilene was in full force, live ORIGINAL music every night. Regulars from all spectrums of the music community...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 21:54:00 GMT

Spoiled *children* who have never done SHIT!

This bi-monthly explosion of wrath by the Dr. is brought to you by the spoiled losers of the world and tempered by Pink Floyd: Animals...A musical xanax... I never surf around MySpace that much, I don...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 16:28:00 GMT

I <3 Dubya? No, but still....

This is a repost from a response to a blog...Im feeling like a hawkish republican today, so enjoy! And if you dont, go eat a fucking granola bar, you stinking hippie! You patcholi smelling, hairy, Gra...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Apr 2005 14:08:00 GMT