hey there!!! i am Shawn Cleveland don't be confused, i just started a band called KOZMIC NOD i am playing the same music i always have and new material which are in crazy tunings thanks to Travis Meeks who's music has inspired me to do so. i am looking forward to seeing where this project may take me next in the creative fields of life. i really just do it for the passion of it. i enjoy the energy and the connecting with my band members, friends and family through music and harmony for they are very close to me.
i am originally from Chicago ILL. and i have been living in baton rouge for about 15 years, 10 of them with my girl friend and back up singer Vonnie Hawkins. the bass player is my brother Donovan Cleveland who just recently moved here from South Carolina. together we found our new drummer Danny Sellers through our friends Matt and Lorain....who have been real supporters of my music. thank you and stay tuned.......peace
Dave and I in Chicago after a Days of the New Show, below....