~shacolate~ profile picture



About Me

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.. am just like everyone else except that i am different from everyone..

My Interests

billiards,ice cream, pizza N pasta, t.v, movies, ma phone, coffee,chocolates,the rain, net surfing, magazines, some books,music/songs and more music, shopping,.... :)

I'd like to meet:

...people who are true to themselves... happy people... real people..


r&b, alternatives, some rock, some pop, reggae, trance, ska, some rap, love songs, some new waves, some classics :)


51st dates,ice age, my best friends wedding, m.night shyamalan's and spielberg's


anything worth watching.. news, ngc, mtv, myx, lifestyle chan, cook shows, fashion, cartoon shows


jane eyre by charlotte bronte, john grisham novels, clive cussler novels, inspirational books, readers digest, fashion magazines, the alchemist...


mom and dad.. i cud never thank them enuf.

My Blog


...what if your fears and apprehensions catch u on your neck because you dont wanna face them?? or because you are simply hiding from them?? ...and dont wanna make that desper...
Posted by ~shacolate~ on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 03:09:00 PST