Clubbing/partying, shopping...anything fun and exciting
Oh and guys with British accents (yeah buddy!)
Bowling, fishing (i haven't fished in forever and a day though)
Jesus!! and Diem from the duel..
Right now i am really into punk, but I love anything you can dance to. I don't like country and techno though....that's a no go...
I like Fall Out Boy, No doubt, Ms X-tina, Justin Timberlake (not too shabby to look at either, Green Day, Usher, Ludacris, Panic at the Disco, just to name a few the list could go on...
Gene kelly movies (Such as Singing in the rain and On the town) other than that any other movie--Euro Trip, Ten Things I Hate About You, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Hot Chick, Mean Girls, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Bring it On, Sixteen Candles, Billy Madison, The 40yr old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Pride and Prejudice... the list goes on
VERONICA MARS (weevil love you long time), One Tree Hill, That 70's Show, Grey's Anatomy, Friends, Will and Grace, CSI, The Real World, Desperate Housewives, My name is Earl, Gilmore Girls, and the duel ( i love the duel i'm soo pissed that Diem isn't on there now...tear, though not to mention CT and brad aren't too shabby to look at..
the classics...Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice...
Random Questions... For Real... Hopefully none of these have ever been asked.
Let the randomness begin...
What is your average bowling score?: 180ish it's dropped some
Is rap severely overrated?: eh i have no opiniom
I don't care if you smoke or not. Would you smoke Malboros or Camels?: Malboros
Which state do you think has the stinkiest environment?: what kind of question is that? TEXAS lol
Which state do you think would be the coolest to live at?: Hawaii i would be at the beach every day
If you were granted $10 million dollars, would you go live in North Dakota?: yeah i just wouldn't stay "home" much
Even though no one has seen him in person, do you think God exists still?: Yep...that's where faith comes in
Would you rather have a $500 boombox or a $500 car sound system? Not both.: car sound system i tend to spend a lot of time in my care
Would you drive a Chevrolet Camaro Z28 or a Nissan 350Z?: a 1965 mustang
How many stars do you think are in the sky?: billions and billions
Would you rather be in a pit of snakes or in an water tank with piranhas?: piranhas as long as no blood is in the tank
Have you ever picked your nose until it bled?: um no.... ew
What is your favorite box of cereal?: i really don't eat ceral
Have you ever seen an eel?: yep
Is it true that if you fear nothing, you love nothing?: nope, at least i don't think so
What is your favorite game show?: deal or no deal
What would you do if you got locked out of your place and you were naked?: i would cry....and take the door mat and try and cover myseldf....but i wouldn't be stupid enough to do that
Why are spiders feared but not lady bugs?: cause lady bugs are cute they have dots on them
Why are people so ignorant when they are driving?: because most people got their license out of a cracker jack box..TRUE STORY
Why are people so selfish and careless about others?: because it's all about "me"
Where's the most ticklish spot on your body?: sorry if i told you i would have to kill you
Does this name sound gay... Charles Eugene Craft II?: no
Why does gay marriage bother people when they aren't invoved in it?: The whole idea of marriage being a holy/sacred ceremony between a man and a woman...RELIGION
If you had to paint a picture, what would you paint?: a beautiful picture??
Would you rather live in a castle or an amusement park?:'s romantic and historic
Have you ever been hacked on Myspace?: hells no
Does it/would it piss you off?: yeah
What's your favorite animal at the zoo?: MONKEYS!!
A comedian once said cemeteries were pointless... Do you agree?: yeah in a sense the spirit is gone and only a pile of bones lay
Have you ever ran with scissors before?: no..running with scissors is bad
Make a guess... how many tissue boxes have you used in your life?: me myself 4?
Do you know anyone who has a pig as a pet?: nope
What's the most annoying tv show out there?: everyone loves raymond..Blah gag
Do you know who Tom Tucker is?: nope
Who's your favorite NFL team?: i don't have one
What's your opinion on clouds?: i like them they're fluffy
How many deaths in your first family have you experienced?: 0
If you could, would you burn a Abercrombie and Fitch store to the ground?: yeah i hate that store
Would you burn a Build a Bear store to the ground?: no cause that would make little kids sad so not cool
How much money would it take to make you retire early?: a good amount that i could live nicely off of
Is it possible for a normal person to win the lottery or is it rigged?: its possible
Would you ever live at a place with black grass instead of green?: um no that's kinda weird
If you could be any kind of bird, what bird would you be?: an eagle or some tropical bird with all those beautiful colors
When you lose the remote, do you look for the remote 1st or manually do it?: i look for it ( i loose it often)
What's the funniest road sign you've ever seen?: hm...
Should there be a test for SUVs so only non power hungry people drive them?: no it wouldn't help there are still those stupid people out in the world
Do you like to eat at Arbys?: i don't hate it
Would you rather have great friends or a great romantic relationship?: great friends because guys can be great friends and then that could evolve into a great romantic relationship
Do you think we need to control the human population soon?: no we shouldn't play God
Can unbreakable combs be broken?: yeah
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