A survey that you will remember
The Last Person You...
thought about?: michelle
Looked at?: my nephew trip
said I love you to?: my brother jason
hugged?: trip
kissed?: trip
hurt?: i don't remember
Shared a secret with?: michelle
watched a movie with?: my mom
couldn't stop thinking about?: idk
In your family...
Who makes you laugh?: my bro and dad
Who makes you cry?: all my fam pretty much
Who is strict?: my aunt vonnie
Who is laid back: my brother
Who makes you think?: my dad...sadly
Who will do anything for you?: my brother jason
Have you ever?
been skinnydipping?: nope
Made a friend mad?: who hasn't at one point??
gotten a detention?: once im good...at school neway
gotten expelled?: nope
threw popcorn in a movie theatre?: yep
been on stage?: yes
seen a famous person?: yep
been pantsed by a friend?: no
lost your voice?: yes that sucked
You are...
best at?...: being funny
worst at?...: holding my temper
profession?: nothing
best friend?: i have a few
Favorite movie star?: idk
idol?: i have quite a few
hair color?: brown
favorite movie?: Prolly the crow
have you ever been in LOVE?: no
favorite color?: black or blue
have you ever done a bad impersonation of Arnold Scshwartsenagger: everyone has
best memory?: meeting my friends
worst memory?: when i had to get stiches when i was like 2
favorite band?: AVENGED SEVENFOLD
can you do the worm?: no..i don't want to either
did you like this survey?: it was alright
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!!! A Long WWE Survey 75 questions!!
Ok Basics
Name: Chandra
Age: 16
Location?: New York
WWE Time!
How did you like it?: It's awesome
rate it now from 1-10: 8
Favorite Diva and Why?: That's tough but i gott go w/ Lita she did so much for WWE
Most hated diva and why?: jillian cuz she THINKS she can sing..thinks
I tell u a wrestler u tell me some comments and stuff bout them
Randy Orton: he's i like him even he can be an asshole sometimes
TripleH: He's funny as hell
Batista: He's cool great champion was and soon to be hopefully
Ric Flair: He's a legend u have to like Ric Flair
John Cena: I love him one of my favs
Chris Jericho: i nver really liked him
Chris Benoit: a legend & was one of the hardest working ppl R.I.P.
Matt Hardy: again one of my favs
Kane: He's kool. Gotta love the big red machine
The Undertaker: has one of the best ring attires
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Awesome
JBL: don't like him
The Big Show: don't like him either
Hulk Hogan: The legend
Eddie Guererro: an awesome wreslter R.I.P.
Edge: The Rated R Superstar is awesome.
Christian: i always thought he was a pansy.
Same thing juss w/Divas
Trish Stratus: she did a lot for the wwe
Stacy Keibler: do not like her at all
Torrie Wilson: She's kool. And a pretty good wrestler
Christy Hemme: don't like
Carmella: don't like
Ok Favorites
Favorite Wrestler Entrance song: randy orton's edge's or john cena's
Favorite Diva entrance song: Ashley Massaro hands down
Fave Finishing Move: RKO or swanton bomb
Fave Match: The hardys vs. dudley boys vs. edge & christian forget wat ppv that was but it was in 2000
Fave kinda match: tlc or hardcore rules
This Or That
john cena
Jbl or kurt angle: damn thats hard i hate them both but i guess jbl
Eddie or Chris Jericho: Eddie
Raw or Smackdown: Raw i guess
Randy Orton or stone cold: Randy
Kane or the undertaker: Undertaker
Trish Stratus or Christy: Trish
Stacy Keibler or Victoria: Victoria
Have u ever been to WWE Live?: nope
if so how many times and when and where: haven't
wat age did u start to about 5 maybe younger
wat entrance theme do u hate the most: davari's i guess
whos the biggest slut: melina
Whos the ugliest wrestler: snitsky i mean look at his teeth
whos the ugliest Diva: jillian
Havin fun?: yeah
Favorite WWE moment: andre vs. hogan at wm 3 i believe
do u think the ppv prices are a rip off: yes
have u ever met a wrestler: once about 7 years ago
if so then who?: it was king booker when he was booker t and he's very racist btw
do u agree with me? Smackdown is boring ever since theodore longis manager: kinda sometimes it is
Funniest moment ever in WWE History: when stone cold brought in the beer truck and was spraying vince
stupidest moment ever in WWE: idk about that
do u think WWE is really fake: sometimes yes
which wwe wrestler has the best voice: idk that's a toughie
WWE is better then TNA?: yeah
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which swear word are you. pics!
you got fuck... fuck has always been a fun word.
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