Chandra[VI4V] profile picture


I want people to get the most out of every day of their life, and realize what's really important an

About Me

I'm a really nice person but i have a line and if you cross that line i have no problem telling you so. I have a "don't care what anyone thinks" attitude and i like that about myself.Yes i do like things like Good Charlotte,Simple Plan,Blink 182 and things like that. If you like them cool,if not don't say i have bad taste in music or i'm a poser that's a retarded thing to do.My best friends are Michelle C., Ravin W. & Jordan A.I love watching wrestling. ~WWE~ FAVORTIES Jeff Hardy John Cena Matt HardySECOND FAVORITES Chris Jericho CM Punk Edge Randy Orton Shannon MooreOTHERS I LIKE Batista Chris Benoit (R.I.P.) Shawn Michaels Kane Rob Van Dam Sabu Tommy Dreamer Triple H UndertakerFAVORTIE DIVAS Ashley Massaro Lita(Amy Dumas)OTHER DIVAS I LIKE Kelly Kelly Maria Mickie James~TNA~ FAVORITES WRESTLERS Alex Shelley Chris Sabin Christian CageSECOND FAVORITES Abyss AJ Styles Judas Mesias TomkoOTHERS I LIKE Abyss Black Reign Rhyno Rick Steiner Samoa Joe Scott Steiner StingFAVORITES KNOCKOUTS ODB Velvet SkyOTHERS I LIKE Angelina Love Gail Kim Ms. BrookesIn regards to wrestling if u like any wrestlers i do awesome. I don't care if u talk shit about ones i like and u don't. Alot of times that happens cuz i like such a variety of wreslters.If you wanna talk to me my sn are: ..ZackyV6661 Yahoo:zackyvengeance121181
A survey that you will remember
The Last Person You...
thought about?: michelle
Looked at?: my nephew trip
said I love you to?: my brother jason
hugged?: trip
kissed?: trip
hurt?: i don't remember
Shared a secret with?: michelle
watched a movie with?: my mom
couldn't stop thinking about?: idk
In your family...
Who makes you laugh?: my bro and dad
Who makes you cry?: all my fam pretty much
Who is strict?: my aunt vonnie
Who is laid back: my brother
Who makes you think?: my dad...sadly
Who will do anything for you?: my brother jason
Have you ever?
been skinnydipping?: nope
Made a friend mad?: who hasn't at one point??
gotten a detention?: once im school neway
gotten expelled?: nope
threw popcorn in a movie theatre?: yep
been on stage?: yes
seen a famous person?: yep
been pantsed by a friend?: no
lost your voice?: yes that sucked
You are...
best at?...: being funny
worst at?...: holding my temper
profession?: nothing
best friend?: i have a few
Favorite movie star?: idk
idol?: i have quite a few
hair color?: brown
favorite movie?: Prolly the crow
have you ever been in LOVE?: no
favorite color?: black or blue
have you ever done a bad impersonation of Arnold Scshwartsenagger: everyone has
best memory?: meeting my friends
worst memory?: when i had to get stiches when i was like 2
favorite band?: AVENGED SEVENFOLD
can you do the worm?: no..i don't want to either
did you like this survey?: it was alright
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
!!! A Long WWE Survey 75 questions!!
Ok Basics
Name: Chandra
Age: 16
Location?: New York
WWE Time!
How did you like it?: It's awesome
rate it now from 1-10: 8
Favorite Diva and Why?: That's tough but i gott go w/ Lita she did so much for WWE
Most hated diva and why?: jillian cuz she THINKS she can sing..thinks
I tell u a wrestler u tell me some comments and stuff bout them
Randy Orton: he's i like him even he can be an asshole sometimes
TripleH: He's funny as hell
Batista: He's cool great champion was and soon to be hopefully
Ric Flair: He's a legend u have to like Ric Flair
John Cena: I love him one of my favs
Chris Jericho: i nver really liked him
Chris Benoit: a legend & was one of the hardest working ppl R.I.P.
Matt Hardy: again one of my favs
Kane: He's kool. Gotta love the big red machine
The Undertaker: has one of the best ring attires
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Awesome
JBL: don't like him
The Big Show: don't like him either
Hulk Hogan: The legend
Eddie Guererro: an awesome wreslter R.I.P.
Edge: The Rated R Superstar is awesome.
Christian: i always thought he was a pansy.
Same thing juss w/Divas
Trish Stratus: she did a lot for the wwe
Stacy Keibler: do not like her at all
Torrie Wilson: She's kool. And a pretty good wrestler
Christy Hemme: don't like
Carmella: don't like
Ok Favorites
Favorite Wrestler Entrance song: randy orton's edge's or john cena's
Favorite Diva entrance song: Ashley Massaro hands down
Fave Finishing Move: RKO or swanton bomb
Fave Match: The hardys vs. dudley boys vs. edge & christian forget wat ppv that was but it was in 2000
Fave kinda match: tlc or hardcore rules
This Or That
john cena
Jbl or kurt angle: damn thats hard i hate them both but i guess jbl
Eddie or Chris Jericho: Eddie
Raw or Smackdown: Raw i guess
Randy Orton or stone cold: Randy
Kane or the undertaker: Undertaker
Trish Stratus or Christy: Trish
Stacy Keibler or Victoria: Victoria
Have u ever been to WWE Live?: nope
if so how many times and when and where: haven't
wat age did u start to about 5 maybe younger
wat entrance theme do u hate the most: davari's i guess
whos the biggest slut: melina
Whos the ugliest wrestler: snitsky i mean look at his teeth
whos the ugliest Diva: jillian
Havin fun?: yeah
Favorite WWE moment: andre vs. hogan at wm 3 i believe
do u think the ppv prices are a rip off: yes
have u ever met a wrestler: once about 7 years ago
if so then who?: it was king booker when he was booker t and he's very racist btw
do u agree with me? Smackdown is boring ever since theodore longis manager: kinda sometimes it is
Funniest moment ever in WWE History: when stone cold brought in the beer truck and was spraying vince
stupidest moment ever in WWE: idk about that
do u think WWE is really fake: sometimes yes
which wwe wrestler has the best voice: idk that's a toughie
WWE is better then TNA?: yeah
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site
which swear word are you. pics!

you got fuck... fuck has always been a fun word.
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My Interests

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trying to learn to Play guitar i'm not very good though, listening to music,writing poetry,watching wrestling,skatboarding and THE HARDY SHOW-the best reality show NOT on tv. . Boring i know.

Myspace Layouts

Myspace Layouts

Take the quiz:
Which sexy eyeliner-wearing rock star is for you? (pictures)

Sonny Moore
AH LOVE!!! From First To Last is an amazing band, and Sonny is a SEXY and amazing lead singer.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Who Are You In Avenged Sevenfold?

YOU ARE M.SHADOWS! You voice is soothing during your melodies and raging and powerful during your screaming.Its inspiring!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
What Band Are You? (Good Bands)

Avenged Sevenfold (A7x)
Yes! My favorite band A7x kicks ass!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which rock chick are you? (girls only plz, pictures!)

Brody Dalle
This is a girl you don't wanna mess with, Brody Dalle, you don't see yourself as 'sexy' or 'hot' but somehow you manage it without even trying. you've normally got on better with boys, and lots of people are intimidated by you. (but it's because you're so sexy) you're not one of the quietter people and you have to let people know what you think about them... always.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Whats your "true theme song" ~PICTURES~

Space By;Something corporate
Home is like hell to you...Thats were all your troubled times are. Chances are you might have abusive parents or parents that control you so much you can't even go to your next door neighbors house. Sometimes it get so bad school is heaven for you.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Any musician i listen to especially AVENGED SEVENFOLD!! The best band on the fucking planet.John Cena,Jeff Hardy,Matt Hardy,Lita,Ashley Massaro & every other wrestler and diva i like.


Where do i start? Avenged Sevenfold, AC/DC, Aiden, All American Rejects, Angels And Airwaves, Anti-Flag, As I Lay Dying, Atreyu, Avril Lavigne, Bleeding Through, Blink 182, The Bloodhound Gang, Bullet For My Valentine, Children of Bodem, Cradle of Filth, Crossfade, Eighteen Visions, Escape The Fate, Evanescence, Fall From Grace, Fall Out Boy, Fozzy, From First To Last, Fuel, Good Charlotte Green Day, Guns And Roses, Halifax, Hawk Nelson, HIM, Hinder, Iron Maiden, John Cena, Kill Hannah, KISS, Korn, Less Than Jake, Mercy Drive, Metallica, Monster Magnet, My Chemical Romance, Nickleback, Nirvana, Nuts in a blender, Panic! At The Disco Pantera Papa Roach, Paramore, Pearl Jam, Peroxwhy?gen, Pink, Rancid, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Rob Zombie, Saliva, Saving Jane, Sick Puppies, Simple Plan,, Slipknot, Smile Empty Soul Stretch Arm Strong, Stone Sour, Story Of The Year, Superchick, Taking Back Sunday, Three Days Grace, Tokyo Rose, 30SecondsToMars,and pretty much any rock or metal band. If you have any bands that u think i would like message them to me.


Nightmare on Elm St. series,Rob Zombie,Tim Burton,The Ringer,The Crow,The Crow City of Angels,Jay And Silent Bob,Clerks 1 & 2,Without A Paddle,Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty,Fantastic Four 1 & 2, The Spiderman movies,The Scary Movie series,Jackass The Movie,Dudesons The Movie, Friday the 13 series,Halloween series,Stay Alive,The Hills Have Eyes,Silent Hill,See No Evil,The Marine,the texas chainsaw massacre(all three of them),any Jim Carrey movie. Bascically any horror movie.


CRISS ANGEL,Jackass,Viva La Bam, THE DUDESONS,Family Guy,The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy,Invader Zim, Steven's Untitled Rock Show,Metal Asylum,Uranium, Headbanger's Ball,RAW,Smackdown,ECW,TNA.


The Heroin Diaries,Into The Forests Of The Night,Goosebumps,Poison,Anne Rice is amazing,Stephen King. Edgar Allen Poe.



My Blog

Probation??? wtf???

dude im fucking 16 and i'm getting probation for not going to school. what the fuck??? i mean so what if i don't wanna go to that hellhole. i was failing anyways. why not go after all the fucking drug...
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AUDIENCE: THIS. IS. JEOPARDY!!!!! Me: Today's host is...Matt! AUDIENCE: (applause) Johnny: You're shitting me, right? Me: Of course not. That would be disgusting. Johnny: That's not what I meant. Me: ...
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11 unspoken rules of myspace

1. If you're ugly, stop acting like you don't know it. The caption under your picture that says "Me Being Sexy" doesn't convince anyone.2. To the people who have like 25,098 friends....are you serious...
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i cried

When you were 15, your mom came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking i...
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