Wendy God's beloved, profile picture

Wendy God's beloved,

With God All Things Are Possible

About Me

Hello! My name is Wendy and I love to paint. I'm working on being the best at everything I do, for it is not I who does it, but Christ who does it through me.I've posted examples of my artwork. What you will probably be amazed by is the fact I possess a gift for art inspite of the fact that I've been disabled since birth. It's called Arthogryposis, which means I was born without joints. My arms are locked in an "L" position, so I cannot extend them.(Take a look at my pics)I wedge the paintbrush in between both my hands at the same time in order to paint. I do have a B.A in Art and Psychology and was working on my masters in Special Education. Unfortunately,I had suffered from too much pain in my back and had to discontinue my education. But it has yet to stop me from painting. I hope you enjoy viewing my work! Should you have any interest in commissioning me to paint something or would like to purchase any of my work (if it's available) or would just like to donate money or supplies. PLEASE mail any correspondence to me: -----------Wendy Chlebowski ----- 80 lexington blvd.,----- barnegat, N.J.---08005 Thank you soooo much just for looking!

My Interests

These are some pics of my wedding. I'll be adding more as I make the time. But I'd like you all to know, that it was the most beautiful wedding ceremony I have ever been to.And I'm not just saying that because it was mine. Bernie and I were truly blessed. God was so good to us that day, just as he is and has been my entire life. Jesus certainly loves to bless people who follow in his will for them. And as the Book of Psalms says, "And as for me and my house,We shall serve the Lord." Amen! I love to engage in anything that has meaning and or purpose which is uplifting to my own sense of self worth and which allows me to express God's gift of love to all. Gods gift in return to me is the ability to do all that I do and still keep on loving...regardless...He's also gifted me with my family and our health and safety and love for one another. On another level, he's gifted me with the talent for art, which you already should know that I love to paint,as it is an expression of God's love for me, to share with the world.I love to sing karaoke for pleasure.These are pictures of my son Frankie and his family, Jennifer, his fiance, Caitlyn,my granddaughter, and our newest member, my grandson, Frankie Jr.

I'd like to meet:

Email Me Or Instant Message Me [email protected] I look forward 2 hearin from you....If you want any Portraits of loved ones (living or deceased),Pets,Landscapes,or paintings of your most special day or event. Then I'm your girl! And you won't be disappointed! These are our Honeymoon pics from "The Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida" to the "Bahamas" These are my beautiful, blessed children, Frankie, Stefanie, and Nancy.


Wisdom is...NEVER GIVING UP ON YOUR DREAMS....GOD WILL ANSWER THEM IN HIS TIME... "The Greatest Challenge in Life is to Find Someone that Knows All Your Flaws, Differences, and Mistakes Yet; Still Manages to Love Everything About You."WORDS OF... If you love something turn it loose... If it comes back to you then it is truly yours...If it does not then it never was yours to begin with. Imagine this is what Our Heavenly Father did in the Garden of Eden. When he gave man a free will to choose from the tree of knowledge or the tree of life. Now those who come to him come by choice. THREE things in life that, once gone, never come back - 1. Time 2. Words 3. Opportunity THREE things in life that can destroy a person - 1. Anger 2. Pride 3. Unforgiveness Five things in life that you should never lose- 1.Faith 2. love 3.hope 4. peace and 5.Honesty THREE things in life that are most valuable - 1. Love 2. Family & Friends 3. Kindness THREE things in life that are never certain - 1. Fortune 2. Success 3. Dreams (unless you are living for Christ). THREE things that make a person - 1. Commitment 2. Sincerity 3. Hard work THREE things that are truly constant - Father - Son - Holy Spirit
Devil or Angel? (pics)

White Angel
You'd be a white angel... Pure hearted, you are near perfect, always nice and forgiving, always doing what is right... You are always caring for others, and hate to see people hurt.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.comHow happy are you? Check out Oprah's quiz... http://www2.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200704/tows_past_200704 11.jhtml

I love to listen to praise and worship music,Christian music that is, of course. And I love to sing country and oldies music.


My all time favorite, as geeky as this may sound to some, is "Grease". I absolutely loved "The Passion of Christ," Then would come "The Matrix", "Independence Day", and "Ghost".


Oh my goodness! I'm no longer a T.V. freak for Soap Operas, and reality shows. I still try to watch some shows like, "The Bachelor, "American Idol," "Dancing with the stars," "Grease, You're the one that I want," then, let's not forget, "Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium". I now Love to watch "Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyers, John Hagee, Jack Van Impe, Jopseph Prince, Charles Stanley,Pat Robertson from the 700 club, and Andrew Wommack.


The "Bible", for it is the living word of God. It's the only one that comes to life deep within my soul,because of his precious Holy Spirit. God's words fill my heart with his love, peace, and joy. I now can live in victory because of the power of who dwells inside of me. The devil is altready defeated! Victory is mine in Christ Jesus! I have a wonderful hunger that gets satiated every time I read his word yet I continue with a desire to draw nearer to him. Thank you Lord Jesus for being my Lord and Savior! Amen!


My Lord and savior,Jesus Christ, he's my ROCK, My LOVE, MY REFUGE, MY SALVATION, My FORTRESS, and MY LIFE. I would also like to extent appreciation to the Lord for my Dad, who has been my Rock here in the human sense, Bernie,my husband,my love, my kids, Frank, Stefanie and Nancy,my grand children, Frankie Jr, born Feb.10, 2008, Caitlyn, their mommy Jen, And of course I thank Jesus for my life.