Learning how to plan Weddings and Special Events. Food, well eating food.
Whoever designs BEBE clothes, they are sooo cute.....Micheal Jackson (I just want to see what he looks like up close,lol) Wedding Planners, Bridal Consultants and Event Planners. Oh yea and Oprah and Tyra Banks........... I LoVe MeeTinG new pEoPle and chIlling. ThAts WHat I do. I Have to sAy thaT I dont have many clOse feMale frIeNds, Not to say I DoNt waNt any. Nice GirlfrIenDs aRe HARD to come acRoSS, If yoU Think YOU can HanG hit me up!!!I am not here to look for a lover, a love interest, a boyfriend, a man, a cut buddy, whatever you want to call it.Please Stop clogging up my inbox with messages saying that you are new to the "A" and want to meet some cool people and hang out. Everyone is new to the "A". Please do not send me messages saying that you want to get to know me better, read what I have wrote thus far in my profile, view a few pictures, and read some comments and you will learn a little about me. Not to say I dont appreciate all of the comments, but I can tell you now it won't get you any closer. But to anyone else, leave a message. Don't Be Scared!!
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my frazy music , movies and books !
Platinum Weddings, Trading Spouses, House, Dog Whisperer, Take home Chef, Bridezilla, Rich Bride Poor Bride, Whose Wedding is it Anyway, The First 48, The Food Network, Crime 360, and Intervention....
my frazy music , movies and books !