"Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) profile picture

"Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle)

Old Man Winter - FREEZE A SMILE ON YO FACE. Retreat? Hell No. I Just Pulled Up, & Like Little Ja

About Me

About Myself:
It might not seem it on the surface, but deep down inside. I'm one more Hopeless Romantic looking for true love. I'm not afraid to tell people that I have the fragile heart of a teenage girl....
I just don't usually mention that I keep that fragile heart in a jar on my desk, and the rest of her body I keep in a meat locker in the basement. hehe.

If I live to be ninty-seven. She'll still be waiting in refrigerator heaven. She's cool, as ice. Makin love by refrigerator light. Cold Ethyl, she's my paradise. Cold Ethyl, cold cold Ethyl!!!! (Listen to Motley Crue's version of this song on my jukebox)
In case you can't tell from this, I tend to have a dark sense of humor and I like Alice Cooper. He writes the best love songs.

My Name:
Après: is the French word for "Crank up the tuneage while you ski or snowboard all day. Hit the Bar, grab some drinks with your friends and party all evening. Find a hot-tub, keep partying. Frolic in front of the fireplace with that special someone till the sun comes up. Catch some Zzzz's (optional). Lather up, rinse off and repeat again the next day". We English don't have a word for this. Those French are smart people. Most people don't know that alpine (as in skiing) is derived from riding the Alps. The French have a fun style of kissing too. By the way, Après rhymes with prey. The s is silent.
Terminal Velocity: is the maximum speed at which the human body can move with it's own momentum. I.E. skydiving naked before the parachute opens or me on a set of head racing ski's, or as David Lee Roth (Van Halen) once said while running with the devil "Living at a pace that kills"...
...and just like Joe Dirt "I like Van Halen, not Van Hager"

I can't figure out how to get this video to auto-play, but this song and Legends of the UD video probably says more about me than anything I can think of right now. So stop reading and start playing. It does the body good. (You might want to hit the pause button on the Jukebox before you hit Play. The sound track to this video is so Cool) "Few creatures of the night have captured our imagination like the Legends of the Undead". "I've been trying to get them to play back in black but they just don't know that one."

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

My Interests

Profile Song: It's summer time, so a little fun in the sun surf music seems appropriate.


Interests? hmm... Let's see.... I enjoy my vices, but mostly in moderation. I guess Living life to the fullest and making the best of what God has given me is my Religion, and Judas is my Priest. The left hand path? The right hand path? I'll take the path less traveled. God helps those who help themselves. Pray for fresh prey. I don't know. Many things interest me. I like opposing thoughts and contradictions I.E. a girl with a clean'n healthy body and a sick'n dirty mind. Questions without answers can keep me puzzled all day. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Still don't know, but that's what makes life interesting.

Glass half full, or is the glass is half empty? I say, fuck the glass, I'll drink straight from the bottle. Like most people, the information age has me drowning in information, and parched for wisdom.

A chip on your shoulder only weighs you down. I Forgive, but don't forget, and try and make the best of any situation. "Woe to you or earth and sea for devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short..... (or sends a tsunami)" I say, someone else can do the reckon the number stuff. Grab your surf board and find the positive in the situation. The following video clip says it all... View Video Clip Here.

All in all, I'm a pretty lucky person. I always feel no matter how shitty your day is. There is somebody somewhere having a shittier one. The following video clip says it all... View Video Clip Here.

GENERAL INTEREST KEYWORDS: Snowboarding, Skiing and listening to Hard Rock and Metal because I can't do either if I'm not listening to some tunes at the same time. Life is good, but life with a rockin soundtrack is better!! I think the only proof I need that there is a God and he works miracles, is the invention of the mp3 player. A weeks worth of tunes in your breast pocket that never skip, no matter how hard you fall. Who would've thunk it possible just a few years ago. Oh yeah, can't forget Après Hot-Tubing. Yep, in the winter time I'm that shallow. The rest of the year. Rock Concerts, Roller Blading, Dirt Biking, Mountain Biking, Jet Skiing, Water Skiing, Wake Boarding, White Water Rafting, Cottage-Life in general.

I use to spend hours playing guitar. I still play a bit and like to jam once in a while, but not that much anymore.

What kind of snowboarder are you?
You're a cliff hound. You've got balls the size of grapefruits and you eat 60 foot drops for breakfast. Why? Most likely, you're part retarded.....or Canadian. You rock a Six-Pack cause it makes you feel all knaurly and you probably ride an old beater ass powder board 'cause you just don't give a fuck. Congrats on making all the other boarders point and say, "What a dumbass muthafucka."
Take this quiz !

I'd like to meet:

Who I would like to meet?

Meeting the Carvgirl pictured above would be nice, but she doesn't exist. Just her pesky shadow in the background that always draws me in.

The person with all life's answers, would also be nice. What came first, the chicken or the egg? How do I get a refill on that glass that's either half full or half empty? If God can do anything, can he make a rock so big he can't pick it up? etc..

Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent etc. would also be cool as well, but I like to think my days of being star struck are over as far as celebrities go. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They eat, sleep, breathe and shit just like you and I do. The following survey pretty much sums up my philosophy of putting people on pedicels.

You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the questions straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. The celebrities you meet today probably won't remember who you are tomorrow.

So far, I've purposely avoided the point of this Question.

I'm open to meeting just about anybody on here that gets my sense of humor, or of course. Meets the criteria of the ad below...


I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies,
I helped the blind to see.
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers.
They can't be seen, with me, and I'm gettin' real shot down And I'm..... Yeah, more Alice Cooper Seems fitting considering my lack of friends on here.

Nobody wants me hangin around.
Unless it`s from a tree in the middle of town.

Après's Friend Space
Après has zero friends. Après desperately needs friends. He asked Tom to be his friend but Tom said "should've joined myspace sooner at 100,112,328 he already has enough friends". Please Click Here and add Après as a friend. or Click Here and see that he is lynched in the town square at noon this Friday. Thanks to a personal request from Tom. The Right Honorable Stephen Harper has agreed to reinstate public executions in this one specific instance.

No Top 8
I don't Judge or Rate my Friends.
Subject to change if I manage to acquire more than 7 friends.

Death by Misadventure.
Rest in Peace Craig Kelly.
If you're gonna die, die with your boots on. If you're gonna cry, just move along.

No Fear Baby!!

"I ski, wake and snowboard, work my ass off and generally try to enjoy life and fresh air. So I'm sorry if I'm never on here or never reply to messages. Myspace is a website, not a lifestyle! Get off your computer and go do something productive!"...
...but be sure to leave me a comment first!!! ;)


Music? I like to think I have an open mind and can appreciate just about anything, but I mainly fall into Rock and Metal. From Aerosmith, Accept, Arch Enemy and Annihilator straight through the alphabet to Zeppelin, Zodiac Mindwarp, Zero Option and beyond. Life is too short to even think about naming everything I listen to. Favorite stuff on the board this season; double live annihilation and the gathering on hard pac. On pow, live brutality. Favorite on ski's; killbox13, RELIXIV and stuff I never seem to tire of, Like Nemesis , Elimination , Long_Time_Dyin' , Bastard_Nation , Bastille_Day , Bytor and Thanx_for_Nothin' .


Movies? Of course everybody's favorites
Shawshank and The Green Mile, Basic Instinct, Prey For Rock and Roll, Something about Mary, Very Bad Things, etc..
A few of my favorite movies that few people have seen are:

STORM OF THE CENTURY: This is a Stephen King movie shot just outside of Toronto in Pickering and not to be confused with the lame perfect storm movie with George Clooney. (Clooney was awesome in from dusk till dawn and Out of Site though). I'll be the first to admit that King has had some real dogs as far as movies go, but not this one. This movie is every bit as good as his most popular movies Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Misery, etc.. If you get this movie on DVD, listen to Stephen Kings commentary. It's so cool to hear where he steals ideas from, how he deliberately sets the viewer up and fucks with your emotions and your mind. He also talks about some stuff out of the bible which gave me new understanding of some DIO era Black Sabbath lyrics. Haha, You'll have to watch and listen to know what I'm talking about. Hint: III, and it's got nothing to do with the lame ass overused 666 shit either. This is not a slasher/gore movie and like any suspense movie, you won't get the full effect if you have it on at noon while surfing the net and chatting on the phone.

CHAINSAWS, SHOTGUNS AND ROCK'N ROLL - The life and times of Wendy O Williams: It's kinda cool to see her at the top of her game with Lemmy (she is also sings no class on the Motorhead 10th Birthday Party DVD with the late Phil Lynet who died 20 years ago as well), on SCTV with John Candy (preforming 2 full songs on the fishin musician skit) using a giant pentagram long before Motley Crue. On MTV, the Sally Jessy Rafael show, the tonight show with Joan Rivers talking about playboy giving her the money to go skydiving naked (long before the Motley Crue song), etc.. Not so cool to see her suicide note at the end that she spent four years revising before she decided to deep throat a shotgun and stroke it to the big O. (not my words by the way). The two DVD set is hard to find but worth it. Video footage of Wendy O' Williams & Lemmy Kilmister Live in 85 and also The Damned Video.

BLUE CRUSH: Chicks on surf boards, it doesn't get better than that. Pretty typical love story stuff. Yeah, it's a chick flick, but it's a kick ass chick flick. The DVD has 3 different commentaries and just insane surf footage taken at the pipeline competition in Hawaii. View Blue Crush movie trailer here. For more surfing footage check out All Aboard The Crazy Train

MARCH OF THE PENGUINS: Probably because I just saw it and it took five people telling me how good this movie was before I watched it. As good as it is, the 1hr making of documentary about how the guys filming it in the Antarctic for a year. Spent their days trying to stay warm, eat at -40 or even go to the bathroom was just as good.

ETERNAL: Probably because I just saw it and I tend to forget movies pretty quickly. Best Canadian movie I have ever seen. An updated retelling (it takes place in Modern times Montreal instead of Transylvania) of the true story of the blood countess Erszebet "Elizabeth" Bathory. Probably a better movie if you know the history of the true story and have read books like the Blood Countess. I love the movie network on demand, never would have known about this movie without it. View the Eternal movie trailer here.


I try and not watch television unless I've taped it and I'm on the treadmill while watching. Maybe a news channel or much loud while I'm cooking dinner. About the only time I actually sit on the couch and watch TV is maybe a live concert DVD. I love being able to pop in a disk, hit random on the DVD player and watch for half an hour or so with a cup of tea to wind down after work. Or of course a movie if I have someone to watch it with, can't stand watching a movie alone.
TV Shows:

SURVIVOR: I don't care what anybody says it is not reality TV. It's an extreme game show. Take away food, sleep, etc. put'm on an island have them fight for a million dollars. The first six episodes of a season are always boring, but after that I can't get enough.

MY NAME IS EARL: White trash funny, what can I say. BIRTHDAY PARTY CLIP

HUFF: Second season with Sharon Stone is killer.

COUPLING: The original British version of the show. If you haven't seen it. Think a cast like Friends, script writers like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm and topics like Sex In The City. Coupling is British TV at it's best.

How NOT to pick-up a girl in a bar clip .

FULL EPISODE - Explaining your adult video collection to your girlfriend, at a dinner party, in front of a room full of guests .
LOST: You'll never get it if you haven't watched from the beginning. Even if you've watched from the beginning you probably won't get it. I don't, but I'm hooked. Always thinking, next week I'll understand what's going on. ADDICTED TO LOST SUPERBOWL PROMO .

ROCK STAR THE SERIES: Got hooked, don't know how. Toronto kicked ass.
Rock Star: INXS Contestants. Suzie McNeil, Ty Taylor and Tara Sloan Are Interviewed By Liza Fromer On BreakfastTelevision In Toronto From May 12, 2006

Bohemian Rhapsody - Suzie McNeil
PONTIAC WORLD OF SKIING: More about ski resorts and partying around the world than actual skiing. Tape it, save it, watch it again and again. This show fucking rules. Wish it was on all year long, not just in the winter.
SOUL RIDE: Helli boarding and pow what else can I say
STANDARD SNOWBOARD SHOW: The best of the best riders, just sick riding.


Nothing beats sitting in a Jacuzzi-tub getting lost in a good book after an exhilarating workout... Okay, in a Jacuzzi-tub there can be a few things better than a good book.
I love a good fiction novel. Anne Rice, Patricia Cornwell, Jackie Collins, Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Stephen King, Dan Brown. Yeah, I've read the DaVinci code and Angels and demons. Gotta love a good conspiracy theory.

I try and force myself to read self-help or non-fiction books every other book.

David Lee Roth's bio crazy from the heat was hilarious and informative. How Van Halen were selling millions of records at the time of Women and Children first, but were still millions of dollars in debt because of bad contracts they had signed. Loss Of Control , Atomic Punk Live and Slam Dunk

Gene Simmons's bio KISS and make-up was also good. He was born in Israel, speaks five languages, and didn't speak a word of English until after he moved to NY at age 7 with his mother who didn't speak English either. KISS Live in 75 .

ANTHONY ROBBINS personal power, get the edge, etc..... I can't praise Anthony Robbins enough. I think I probably have every tape, CD and book the guy has put out and can't thank him enough for the insight I have received. Just his time management strategies alone have drastically improved my finances and enjoyment of life. I thought the guy was such an idiot when I first saw him on his infomercials. It was such a lucky fluke picking up his awaken the giant book in a hospital waiting room. Yeah, Go ahead and laugh at me, but know that Steven Tyler and the Aerosmith boys called in Anthony personally and used his strategies to kick drugs and get their careers back on track for Permanent Vacation (a double entendre)
DR ANDREW WEIL - healthy aging, healthy eating.
DR MEHMET C. OZ - you an owners manual, your real age.... I love this concept of figuring out your real age verses your calendar age. I have never smoked so I can subtract 8yrs for that. Eat fish 3 times a week -3yrs, exercise 30 minutes a day 3 times a week -4yrs, etc. etc..... Drink 6 pints of blood from a virgin princess at least once every two weeks subtract 350 years. I was born in the early twelfth century and once all the calculations and adjustments have been taken into account. I'm negative seven years old and should be born again sometime in summer of the year Two Thousand and Thirteen..... Seriously, I've been trying to eat healthy for a while now. I've cut way back on red meat. Thought it would be hard come BBQ season, but now I'll take rainbow trout, red snapper, Salmon etc. on the BBQ over a steak any-day. REAL AGE WEB SITE
HAROLD BLOOMFIELD MD - the power of 5
DALE CARNEGIE - how to win friends and influence people, stop worrying and start living.
STEPHEN COVEY - 7 habits of highly effective people, beyond the seven habits, the 8th habit... I love the concept that the average think 1+1=2, effective people know 1+1=3. You gotta read the book to get it.
FLOYD WICKMAN - sweathogs (dumb name, but it comes from the 70's TV show welcome back Kotter. He once said he could take anybody even a student from that class and make them successful) It's not in the book but I saw him speak once and he has a funny story about 2 lumberjacks. They both get paid by the amount of trees they cut down. The first lumberjack shows up at work early, skips the morning coffee break to keep working, takes a short lunch, skips the afternoon coffee break and works late because he has a wife and kids to feed. The second lumberjack shows up late, takes an early coffee break, an extra long lunch, an afternoon coffee break and leaves early. At the end of the day the first guy cut down 10 trees. The second guy cut down 20 trees. The first guy says "what the hell, how did you do that"? Second guy just shrugs and says "lucky I guess" as he thinks to himself "because I stop and sharpen my saw after every tree I cut down. Maybe you would know that if you had an education dumb ass". Mean while at the other side of the forest there is a guy who used his first pay cheque to buy a chainsaw and he is making twice as much as the second guy. Yet still at the other corner of the forest there is a guy who used his pay cheques to buy 25 chainsaws and has hired people to chop down trees. He of course is making more than all of the other guys while he relaxes at the beach. This is life. It's been this way since before the slaves built the pyramids and it's not changing anytime soon. Life ain't fair, but it is what you make it. You don't get paid for working hard. If you did ditch diggers would be millionaires. You get paid for your results..... Kind of simplistic, but it gets the point across.
STANLEY THOMAS - millionaire mind.
BRIAN TRACY - psychology for achievement, - million dollar habits.
DONALD TRUMP - how to get rich... The guy is scum of all scum. Never got into his TV show, but his perspective on business is right on the money. Sad but true. Big fish eat little fish. Deal with it.


Heroes? My Mom and Dad. I can't thank them enough for instilling in me the importance of an education. It's so much better having the freedom of a career, than the restraints of a job. My Dad passed away a few years ago and I have definitely inherited his eyes. It completely freaks me out from time to time and especially as I get older. To look in the mirror and see his eyes starring back at me.

I'm a gambling fool with a roll and cue
Wanna play, wanna play, wanna play with me
Put my ass on the line, rubbed my nose in the grime
And they picked me clean.
I'm a Las Vegas dreamer, they took to the cleaners.
A bath, what a bath, what a bath I'd take.
The chance and the game, drove Old Silkly insane
What a pain, what a strain, on my brain it was.
A fish on a hook, I was rattled and shook, 'cause I lost my stake. I took that serious.
All of my life, was a laugh and a joke,
And a drink and a smoke.
And then I passed out on the floor or a friend,
Again and again and again and again and again.
Serious, it was serious, oh so serious
Okay, enough with the Alice Cooper Lyrics already. I'm outta here.

So, either add me as a friend or learn to read Japanese.
For those who can't read Japanese...... Tilt your head to the right.

My Blog

E-Ville Invaders. About time 97.7 Htz FM

E-Ville Invaders. About time 97.7 Htz FMOn Saturday, January 20th, HTZ-FM listeners along with HTZ-FM staff will head for the hills of Ellicottville NY for a day of skiin...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:24:00 PST


In need of a Summertime Powder Fix? Armed with Snowballs, Beer, Loonies, Toonies and Toques. Canada is Set to Invade the US. Whistler's "Needle Drop" soundtrack featuring some of Canadas best up-and-...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:46:00 PST

TREMBLANT - My Annual Suicide Attempt

Tremblant is Open!!!and I will be there for the24 Hour Race. Dec 8-10 (Board, Hottub, Rock-Toe-Bar, No Sleep. Then Repeat)To See The 48hr Party and 24hr Tremblant Endurance Ski-a-thon Press Conf...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:18:00 PST

I'll take ANTHRAX'S Scott Ian's advice on starting up a new band

  ANTHRAX Guitarist Says The Music Business Is Getting Worse And Worse - ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian recently spoke to Kaffeine Buzz about the current state of the music industry. "It'...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Fri, 12 May 2006 03:47:00 PST

Generation Landslide to all born in the 60's, 70's and 80's

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1960's, 70's and 80's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna ...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 08:19:00 PST

Metallica's Lars Ulrich - Jackson Hole, Rippin' With the Rock Star

Get this video and more at MySpace.com Metallica's Lars Ulrich - Skiing Jackson Hole Left to Right: TGR co-founders Todd Jones and Steve Jones; Lars Ulrich; Micah Black; Skylar Ulrich. Rippin...
Posted by "Après at Terminal Velocity" (Lyle) on Fri, 12 May 2006 01:04:00 PST